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The Hyperloop was never meant to be built. Elon Musk admitted it was all about fueling opposition to California’s high-speed rail project so it would get canceled. Paris Marx (

Attached: 1 image The Hyperloop was never meant to be built. Elon Musk admitted it was all about fueling opposition to California’s high-speed rail project so it would get canceled. He never planned to improve transportation; he just wants to keep people trapped in cars.

Paris Marx (

The Hyperloop was never meant to be built. Elon Musk admitted it was all about fueling opposition to California’s high-speed rail project so it would get canceled.

  • Elon Musk admitted

    I'm not saying it isn't true, but I'm not seeing any quote from him or link to an interview or anything. Just assertions from third parties of what his motives "seem" to be.

    When you lie about shit like this, it undermines valid criticisms and makes anyone actually reading the original article question the trustworthiness of the source.

    The Hyperloop was never meant to be built. It was all about fueling opposition to California's high-speed rail project so it would get canceled.

    That is a blurb that doesn't resort to lies, and gets the same exact point across, without YOU looking like a liar.

    You don't need to lie about monsters to make them look bad. Just show facts about their monstrous actions.

    If you're spreading lies, regardless of intent, you're part of the problem, not the solution.

  • Obviously, disgusting behavior without a shred of ethics. My only question is why or how it worked… Hyperloop is one of the absolute stupidest ideas I’ve ever heard of. It’s literally something I imagined when I was 6 years old. When I was going to sleep, I’d imagine that I could drop down under my bed into a tunnel with a wooden car that would take me to my friends’ houses. Just like Elron Musk, I never pondered safety, as in what would happen if my magic car broke down or started on fire.

  • What a fucking butthole. We need some kind of rapid transport able to get from one end of the state to the other quickly. How backed up does traffic in LA/SD or between the valley and the bay need to get before people stop being hella stupid about this?