MAGA 'Prophets': God Thinks Trump's Conviction Was Rigged
MAGA 'Prophets': God Thinks Trump's Conviction Was Rigged

Far-right Christian seers claim Trump is a “martyr” and that God will deliver take vengeance on his enemies.

MAGA 'Prophets': God Thinks Trump's Conviction Was Rigged
Far-right Christian seers claim Trump is a “martyr” and that God will deliver take vengeance on his enemies.
But these self-styled prophets instead see Trump’s conviction as evidence he is a victim — a “political martyr” — or even a biblical figure, a modern “Daniel” or “David.”
I will never understand how Christians, following the teachings of Christ, look at Donald Trump, the man that sees the Seven Deadly Sins as a to-do list, as their second coming.
Surely, you mean "already done" list?
Wouldn't an omnipotent God have the power to stop things from happening that they didn't want to happen?
Something something mysterious ways! Checkmate!
Yep. Which obviously means either God isn't omnipotent, or God doesn't want to help Trump, or God is just a construct made by simpletons to explain complex concepts of the universe.
Every time one of the Trump prophets has been called out for a false prophecy, they blame 4th grade level word games, or just get really angry, or both.
And they are only getting more popular.
Many of these people believe that satan and/or demons literally, literally, have inhabited the bodies of ... basically all their political opponents, anyone who does anything bad to Trump.
There is an entire movement of preachers on places like rumble who went completely bonkers after prophesying that Trump would win.
These people already believed in a whole lot of Q Anon nonsense, and now it has morphed into Trump as the next David, the US as the true holy land, and near daily hate tirades from God, spoken from these prophets, to millions of apparently sub room temp IQ followers.
They have weaved Trump into Christianity and basically formed an entire new theology based around him.
I would be entirely unsurprised if they declare an actual holy war at some point.
God I wish Trump had died from Covid.
God sitting up in the clouds. All powerful. All knowing. Nervously waiting for the trump trial results.
"Guilty on all 34 counts"
God: "Oh COME ON! Nonsense!! Had to be rigged! Who calls the shots around here?!"
Some Christians: "this makes sense."
It's honestly quite distressing to see people act like human progress since the enlightenment never happened.
I love the idea of an all-capable, all-seeing deity thinking that a sentence was wrong and then doing absolutely nothing about it. That's the sort of laziness that only good old Jehova can pull off.
Surely if God was concerned, then God would intervene wouldn't they?
God ignores in mysterious ways?
Ah, fundamentalist christians who barely have an understanding of what their own religion says speaking on behalf of what they assume their invisible magic sky daddy would say in defiance of all evidence in their "holy book'. Who could have seen this gross misinterpretation coming, other than literally everyone paying the slightest bit of attention?
Weird, god told me that they should all drink bleach.
The great orange god already told them to inject it, they ignored him. Seems like a common affliction Magats suffer is being selectively deaf.
Apparently god punishes. Unless you're a convict running for office, keeping the republican dream alive.
God, the always present, all-knowing, and all-powerful "thinks" the trial was rigged as if he's not sure.
It Trump tripped on his own shoelaces, they would say it was a political witch-hunt.
Are you talking about the time he couldn't walk down a slight incline?
You mean the time he ran down the ramp?
No I’m stating a pure hypothetical.
Fuck your god, he doesn't exist and doesn't make you above the law or give anyone person the right to be beyond reproach.
My god has a bigger dick than your god.
Basically. As a man of science I know that if a God really exists, it would have to be an entity so beyond our capability to comprehend or even describe, and most certainly not an old man on a cloud. It would be an entity that exists in all points in in the universe, flaring quasars to annihilate entire galaxies and birthing solar systems from cosmic dust, folding space into black holes and controlling all points in time itself.
So yeah, if God is real, then he has to be more like I describe, and that's NOT a God who cares about your sexual habits or how often you pray. But he can certainly beat up your God.
I just don't get following false prophets.
It's literally the easiest fucking litmus test in the world.
"How many things does this person say will come true that actually come true? How many don't?"
I just ran into this the other day with someone talking about Alex Jones talking about an attack on the world trade centers in 2000.
A number of others also presented similar ideas before it happened, but more importantly - if you need to go back 20 goddamn years for an example of foresight for someone who makes wild predictions for hours every single day, that person isn't a prophet.
The stupidity of a lot of people is disappointing to the point of being demoralizing.
Same as with fortune tellers and horoscopes, say enough things in vague enough terms and some of it's bound to be able to fit into something that happens later. If someone wants something to be true then any wedged in 'correct' prediction is just validation of the expected result.
I have a friend who had some mental health problems and turned to religion. He's basically lost to me, he can't have a normal conversation anymore about anything, it just comes back to the lines he keeps reciting.
He was talking about the "coming apocalypse" and despite me showing him all the countless failed-apocalypse prophecies of the past, and he said that when Jesus returns he would give everything he has and follow Christ no matter what.
I asked "Doesn't it also say there will be false prophets and anti-christs? How will you know you're following the 'right" jesus?"
He said "Oh I will know. He is in my heart so I can never be fooled."
"Then what about all the people it says will be fooled? How do you know you'll be different? If countless people are fooled by a false Jesus, don't you think it will be very convincing? How do you know you'll know? Wouldn't it be safer to be careful, otherwise why would the bible need to warn you?"
Just dead silence and staring straight ahead for an uncomfortable amount of time. He never answered.
He said "Oh I will know. He is in my heart so I can never be fooled."
Ugh, I hate this one. Especially with the people that believe in demonic forces.
Like, ok - so everyone that disagrees with you has been misled by demons or the devil, but you're right because you feel it, but that feeling can't be the same forces you attribute to other people's differing feelings, because you have the magic protection provided by your feelings being right. And they don't have the magic protection but they think they do because the evil forces can trick people into thinking they are protected. But not you, because you feel it's actually the good guys in your heart.
Jesus fucking Christ. 🤦🏼
" might be in a cult."
Whats the difference between religion and cults?
How many members it has.
America is so damn crazy. What the hell is put in the water over there!?
Russian shills have spent the last 20 years salting Facebook with retardium and it catalysed.
Not fluoride
Hauntingly relevant considering the recent news about the contamination of half of Australia with this stuff..
If God chose Trump, why did he lose in 2020?
Why has he lost in court, after court, after court?
To test his faith
Because of the gays. Where have you been?
ie. The voices in MAGA Prophets heads think Trump's conviction was rigged.
God would not do so.
This is the best summary I could come up with:
A trio of prominent, far-right Christians who purport to channel the word of God as it pertains to American politics are pointing to Trump’s guilty verdicts as a divine head-fake.
One might think that Trump’s having been found guilty — on charges stemming from hush money he paid to a porn star to cover up an alleged extramarital affair — might lead Christian leaders to rethink their backing of the sinful former president.
But these self-styled prophets instead see Trump’s conviction as evidence he is a victim — a “political martyr” — or even a biblical figure, a modern “Daniel” or “David.”
Another MAGA prophet, Hank Kunneman, delivered a similar message on Flashpoint — a Trump-boosting religious news-and-prophecy show produced by the Victory Channel, the broadcast network of Texas televangelist Kenneth Copeland.
Kunneman — who sports jet-black hair and curiously groomed eyebrows of the same color — is a pastor from Omaha, Nebraska, who also purports to transmit messages from a God who favors the 45th president.
To Kunneman, Trump appears as a “Daniel,” a biblical figure whose faith God rewarded by preventing him from being eaten in a den of lions.
The original article contains 1,032 words, the summary contains 192 words. Saved 81%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!
In Court, is there still the oath on a bible? With the line '... with the help of God'? Never been there, nor met God to ask.
What god wants, god gets, god help us all