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  • I was 21yo. I am thankful mandatory internships taught me that much.

    1st internship at 20yo. Completed 2 full-fledged programming projects in 8 weeks, while I was supposed to complete 1 project in the entire 10 weeks. Spent the last 2 weeks unboxing and reboxing hundreds of products all day. Was paid 500€/month (minimum legally required). Worked my ass off from 8am until 18am. No one ever invited me to go for lunch with them. Boss treated me like an idiot. He once shouted at me at 8am because he didn't like my handshake and I didn't smile, I didn't look motivated and grateful enough to his liking.

    2nd internship. 4 months long. Still paid the 500€/month minimum. Did my job alright, completed the tasks that were given to me and nothing more. Spent most of every Fridays just chatting with coworkers and drinking coffee. "Oh, it's 15:55 already! I better pack my things and leave". They loved me, told me they will have a position for me after I finish my studies. Colleagues offered me presents on my last day.

    3rd and last internship. Applied the same principles. They offered me a job starting at 54k€/year (as a reference, other offers I got at the time maxed at 34k€/year).

    I am thankful for this lesson. Be nice and socialize. Just do your job well with the time your are paid for and absolutely nothing extra. I have been nothing but successful in my career so far :)

    P.S: all internships were in different companies

  • Don't be a doormat, but be nice and take a little time to be a bro at work. I've been given many great opportunities because I tried to be nice. As long as you're competent and you care, you don't even need to be competitive.

  • Oh, way too young. Grade school. I didn’t give up on the nice part, but I realized that extra work got a brief notice - and you constantly had to apply more effort to get that notice, the rest of the time you were the same as anyone else. So why work extra all the time for little reward? Guess I’m not very approval- or reward-driven.

    Been in union gigs for decades now. You do your work, do it right because that’s what you do, and you get paid pretty well. Generally nobody’s in your business offering or retracting rewards based on how they feel about you or your work.

  • Funnily enough, I was well aware of this while I was young, and planning on not participating and dying young. Somehow I still got suckered in for 10 years of service before I woke up again.

  • Well, my original plan was "time to go to college now, this should be just as easy as school was up until senior year, but I was just coasting and certainly that won't be a sign of things to come"

    Narrator: it was

  • When I was getting burned out and started asking to be scheduled enough time to get my weekly tasks done, so they "silent fired" me by taking away all my tasks and putting me exclusively on the new hire jobs.

  • When I had to have a tiny mental breakdown over getting a single day off after spending the year prior doing favours for the store manager like driving the delivery truck and being the pillar that kept the fresh departments standing. Ohh and I hadn't had a holiday for 2 years.

    Now I work 4 days a week by choice, I come in do my work well enough then sign off. I constantly remind them that if I'm not being actively paid by the company I see myself as unemployed and free to do what I want.