Cruelty Squad (okay, the game is only a couple years old, but the art style is so intentionally shit that I just can't see it aging at all)
Jet Set Radio, Jet Set Radio Future, and (I predict) Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. BRC also is only a couple years old, but it shares the same style as JSR(F), which has aged very well.
Doom and Doom II (just remember to turn off texture filtering, or set it to nearest neighbor).
The Sims. No, really, I think The Sims games have all aged very, very well. Some better than others, but I feel like each one of them has a visual style that still works today.
The original XCOM has some of the best pixel art in any game, imo. Original resolution: 320x200. Somehow it is still visually detailed and clear. It has one of my favorite things in a game ever where the tiles you see are partially obscured by tiles you can't. Specifically, the tiles you can't see aren't fully blocked so silhouettes can still be visible. If you're good you can use it to ID aliens lurking in the shadows and sometimes it's literally like 3 pixels of difference for you to pick up on it
Psychonauts. The design aesthetic is so well crafted. The gameplay and technical elements did age, but the level design and aesthetics are still mind blowing
When it comes to 3D games, if they tried for realism, they can't, IMO. Stylized 3D can look pretty good even when fairly old, but old 3D that tried for realism just looks dated. Even a lot of 3D games now that try for a more realistic style (outside of the huge AAA studios) look kinda bad to me, but I'm very sensitive to the uncanny valley effect. I mean, even before they updated the models and world, WoW still looked pretty decent long after release.
Left 4 dead, in my opinion. It's fascinating as it's attempting to look realistic yet doesn't look very dated. I think it's because of how good the animations are, and most of the game is dark and gloomy.
Also SCP containment breach. Not graphically impressive but its atmosphere and immersion simply isn't the same without them. I feel no other SCP games captures the atmosphere of Containment Breach.
While heavily reworked through the years, I am continually amazed what they manage to do with World of Warcraft. Doesn't look much like it used to, but as it's all on the same engine, it's really impressive.
For me, MGS1. The tone of the game is really helped by its limited detail. It has the dark and serious mood throughout the game that just permeates this looming threat that is Metal Gear and the mysterious Foxhound unit. I think Twin Snakes doesn't look nearly as memorable or unique as MGS1 and I think a modern remake would lose a lot of the tone and atmosphere that the original had.
Oh and the artwork for MGS1 is just so incredibly good.