I avoid apps because they syphon data from your phone and sell it, but I regularly used and paid for @redditwasfun which is now dead thanks to capitalism.
I avoid apps because they syphon data from your phone and sell it, but I regularly used and paid for @redditwasfun which is now dead thanks to capitalism.
I avoid apps because they syphon data from your phone and sell it, but I regularly used and paid for @redditwasfun which is now dead thanks to capitalism.
Uninstalling... #Reddit and have replaced with #kbin.
Was a moderator on Reddit since 2014 but won't contribute there again and will do my best to never put my content on another commercial platform, nor read/share their links.
I host my dWeb blog and have four fedi personas, but what I'm waiting for is #SafeNetwork cos servers suck. #p2p