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OpenAI forms safety committee as it starts training latest artificial intelligence model OpenAI forms safety committee as it starts training latest artificial intelligence model

OpenAI says it’s setting up a new safety and security committee and has begun training a new artificial intelligence model to supplant the GPT-4 system that underpins its ChatGPT chatbot.

OpenAI forms safety committee as it starts training latest artificial intelligence model
  • Any organization which establishes its vision/mission/culture and then, much later forms a committee about safety..

    isn't going to change.

    the committee is a "bandaid": cosmetic, only.

    Organizational-culture is set right at the beginning, & to change it, you have to do a grass-roots campaign, that includes everybody, until the grass-roots motivations themselves force-turn-the-tide.

    This is 95%-certain to be appearances-only.

    iirc, GE did an actual culture-change accomplishment: their CEO set up a system where the low-level managers went on retreats/workshops, and the result of those workshop/retreats was that they had to come up with a way of improving things in their part of the company..

    ( the problem this program was fighting was the top-down culture-of-authority-and-no-adapting )

    Their boss had to OK or disallow their solution on the spot, when they got out, I think..

    Once enough percentage of the low-level managers had been through the process, then the tide turned, & became a tsunami of change, wiping-out all obstacling before it.

    Notice the difference, though:

    a committee won't produce culture-change.

    Grass-roots can, but it has to be done correctly.

    _ /\ _