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Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die | Your Steam games will go to the grave with you

  • Assuming that the world continues to exist in a way that lets me have a steam account at the time of my natural lifespans average end (another... 46 years):

    My steam library grows at a slower rate than my mass storage has, and I'm quite confident that one will be able to fit my entire steam library as it currently is on a normal and affordable drive in at most 15 years.

    With those two facts in play I can remain confident in my ability to crack everything I own (assuming I even want everything) and safely store it for at-will passing down to as many people as I want.

    But thanks for the reminder to not blindly trust you, Valve. Always useful to have those.

  • So is a flat rate life rental rather than a purchase, the nth stuff that is not of your property but a concession...

  • What Stream support have sent that person is probably an accurate representation of what happens when you apply their policies as written. Write another article if they are seen enforcing it.

    Luckily, SteamDRM is usually easy to bypass, so if that happens one could prepare accordingly.

    • These days a will should include documentation of logins. No need to bypass Steam DRM when my relatives have my phone's PIN and email credentials to just access all games. Pretty sure my local laws cover digital inheritance.

      • Yeah, my point was, if they do try to enforce their policies, we could probably find a way to work around it. It's probably cheaper and easier than for your heirs to test those digital inheritance laws in court.

    • The difference is that your Steam account is probably holding thousands of dollars in value while your pirated copies of Steam games are worth nothing. And presumably that whichever of your grandchildren gets nerdy gran's stash will likely not care to reverse engineer your warez archives just to play Bioshock again in 2075.

      It's not about access to the games, it's about whether you own what you buy.

      • I personally don't value them differently, but I see your point.

        The wonky ownership of these games is actually the reason I've been pretty much exclusively buying stuff on GoG for a few years. I don't know their stance on inheritance, but at least the hypothetical grandchild won't need perpetual access to the account to keep playing the games.

        In the end, clear legislation is kinda the only thing that can resolve this mess.

  • Just don't tell them lol. My friend in school gave me his steam account that had some games on it that I had no money for and he wasn't using it anymore. Still my main steam account 8 years later.

  • Tough shit. Someone needs to enjoy the games.

    And who says you have to notify Valve with what you do to your account?