In Memory of Bruce J. Mitchell (1945-2018)
In Memory of Bruce J. Mitchell (1945-2018)
Anyone want to take bets on how long before Greidanus sends a copyright strike?
He seems like a really decent guy, but my god is he adamant about no one seeing his student film. Come on, dude.
Edit: Missed the 'one night only.' I don't blame you.
You mean Great Anus?
Nah, he's on it like white on rice.
I don't really blame him, to rehash an ancient "debate," but MSTies are nothing if not pugnacious, pervasive, perseverent, and pretty prone to pushing problems to their probable end.
Seriously though, he seems like a decent guy. He put out a good documentary during COVID about antivaxxers.
Please, can we have just one more?!