How does someone change the Alt-key behavior under Windows?
How does someone change the Alt-key behavior under Windows?
package int poll_win_RawInput(ref InputEvent output) nothrow @nogc { MSG msg; BOOL bret = PeekMessageW(&msg, null, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE); if (bret) { ////Some code that supposed to swallow WM_SYSKEY and the likes, but does not work as intended//// DispatchMessageW(&msg);//In the aforementioned block ////Function that optionally gets text input messages//// switch (msg.message & 0xFF_FF) { ////Regular user input handling via RawInput and some legacy stuff + XInput handling in separate function////
Since it's for games, the default Alt key behavior is undesirable for me. It makes my test application hang and make error noises since it doesn't have a menubar. I checked whether my window had a flag that enabled the menubar or not, but couldn't find it.