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  • As a millennial I feel like I have to deeply apologize to the zoomers

    Look, I swear he used to be funny. I shit you not, this isn't a

    situation where he always sucked, he genuinely used to be pretty funny

    Our generation should have taken Stephen Colbert out back and put him out of his misery years ago and I'm really sorry to you that we we didn't

    Like this could have maybe worked for his old character if he was intentionally doing a bit about being old and out of touch but this is just sad

  • I hate how Colbert introduces this nightmare. And then the video of course references trump.

    "trump is using hitler's language"

    Like it's a warning? It's not meant to be funny - just another thing for libs to remember shitty talking points that barely held to in 2020.

  • Gamer Protip: playing Tetris after witnessing a traumatic event can mitigate its long term effects