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T-Mobile imposes $5 monthly price hike on customers using older plans

  • Lame. I wonder if this will affect me as someone who was affected by the sprint merger and am on a sprint equivalent plan?

  • “affected by the price hike will be able to call up to change their plans to newer T-Mobile offerings, but they won’t be able to opt out of this increase.”

    I'm pretty they can opt out of the price hikes with a little effort.

    • I went to Google Fi after being with T-Mobile for 14 years. Google Fi uses the T-Mobile network and I've had zero issues since.

      • Not a fan of (in this context) how Google handles their products. They have a history of killing a product or degrading it to oblivion. There's even a dedicated site for this. I just don't trust them to keep this going, so I never went to them. Plus, other MVNOs, like Tello, have unlimited plans on the tmo network for $25. The same plan on gfi is $50.

  • verizon did the same thing awhile ago, and it was more than five bucks a month.

    was still cheaper for us to keep the old plan than to switch to a new "unlimited" one, though.

  • Anyone heard back from their FCC complaint? My rate plan price shouldn't be changed. It's not even about the money per say, but the greed and term violations 🤨...