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Any love for Kubernetes here?

Many of the posts I read here are about Docker. Is anybody using Kubernetes to manage their self hosted stuff? For those who've tried it and went back to Docker, why?

I'm doing my 3rd rebuild of a K8s cluster after learning things that I've done wrong and wanted to start fresh, but when enhancing my Docker setup and deciding between K8s and Docker Swarm, I decided on K8s for the learning opportunities and how it could help me at work.

What's your story?

  • Kubernetes is awesome for self hosting, but tbh is superpower isn't multi-node/scalability/clustering shenanigans, it's that because every bit of configuration is just an object in the API, you can really easily version control everything - charts and config in git, tools like Helm make applying changes super easy, use Renovate to do automatic updates, use your CI tool of choice to deploy on commit, leverage your hobby into a DevOps role, profit

  • I am insane and use bare bone LXC.

    Stupid ramblings you can probably ignore: ::: spoiler spoiler

    Usually though it's because I run most stuff bare metal anyway so LXC is for temporary or random cases where I need a weird dependency or I want to run a niche service.

    Only use docker for when I actually want faster setup like docker-osx which does all the vm stuff for running a virtual Mac for you.

    I don't really mind docker, but for homelab I just find myself rewriting dockerfile anytime I want to change something which I don't really need to do if I'm not publishing it or even reusing it.

    Kubernates is really more effective for actual load services, which you never need in homelab lol. It's great to use to learn k8s cluster, but the resources get eaten fast.


  • Docker with or without Compose and systemd is good enough for most of my use cases. SaltStack is good enough for config-as-code.

  • I do aks. I can't say love is the right word for it. Lol

    • AKS is a shame. Most of azure, actually. I do my best to find ways around the insanity but it always seems to leak back in with something insane they chose to do for whatever Microsoft reason they have.

  • Here's a slightly different story: I run OpenBSD on 2 bare-metal machines in 2 different physical locations. I used k8s at work for a bit until I steered my career more towards programming. Having k8s knowledge handy doesn't really help me so much now.

    On OpenBSD there is no Kubernetes. Because I've got just two hosts, I've managed them with plain SSH and the default init system for 5+ years without any problems.

  • I feel like it took me quite a while to get the hang of Docker, and Kubernetes on a general look seems all that much more daunting! Hopefully one day I can break it down into smaller pieces so I can get started with it!

  • Running an RKE cluster as VMs on my ceph+proxmox cluster. Using Rook and external ceph as my storage backend and loving it. I haven't fully migrated all of my services, but thus far it's working well enough for me!

  • No "love" from my side, I have thousands of users, not thousands of servers so that's not a solution for any of my problems :)