Oil free vegan struggle meals with Arcane Potato: Episode 2
Oil free vegan struggle meals with Arcane Potato: Episode 2
Do you struggle with breakfast? Big same.
Please meet my default breakfast food. It's whole food plant based, largely shelf stable and very easy to prepare and consume. I always bring this with me when I travel (minus the fruit/jam) so that I have something I can prepare anywhere with hot water. It really helps reduce my dependance on packaged snacks and keeps my gut happy and more hydrated than it would be if I was eating only granola bars.
It can knock off a bunch of items on the "daily dozen" of healthful eating depending on how you make it (flax, 1 serving nuts/seeds, 1 serving whole grains, 1 serving berries).
- 1/4 cup quick oats
- 1 tbsp chia seeds
- 3 tbsp hemp hearts
- 1 tbsp ground flax (if I remember to have grind some not at 6 am when I am making this...)
- some quantity of frozen veg or if that isn't going to work for you today, why not a spoon of jam?
Throw that all in a jar, and pour some boiling water on it.
Give it a bit of a stir and wait, and it becomes P L U M P
I make this while I make my coffee in the morning and toss it in my bag to take to work. Depending on your preference and how much water you use, it's basically a beverage. I don't even bother with a spoon tbh.