Nazi Propagandist Nick Fuentes Caught on Stream Watching Gay Porn
Nazi Propagandist Nick Fuentes Caught on Stream Watching Gay Porn
Nazi Propagandist Nick Fuentes Caught on Stream Watching Gay Porn
Hey, Alex Jones!....remember asking Nick when he was gonna get married and have kids and you kept telling him how good looking he was and he kept deflecting the subject and telling you that it wasnt his priority? Remember that? Just last week? Remember?
You just couldn't pick up the cues, could you?
God that whole interview was pathetic. It was obvious Alex was trying to do the dad talk with someone who just did not buy in.
I didn't believe you, OP. I thought there's no way, it's exactly the kind of thing that would be made up. Like we all talk about accidentally streaming porn but it never actually happens.
But holy fuck, there's images. There's a screen recording. You can see one of the guys had a pup hood. I am completely shocked.
And yeah, even before he realized what was happening the chat had already come up with an excuse and he went with it. We live in a clown world.
I worked with a guy for a bit on a Helpdesk. He was our overnight guy and would generally work alone. The dude had a massive collection of movies and tv shows on his home server that he would remotely connect to and watch while in the office.
Well one day he leaves work after his shift. About an hour or so later the office is echoing with the screams and slaps of sex.
He left and forgot the logout and left the volumed turned to 11
They came up with an excuse so they could sit and watch with him
Evidently you aren't aware that this is how all the anti-gay republican go down (no pun intended), time and again. reality is a parody of itself.
All men have prostates, prostates give the better orgasm, all self-serving egomaniacs always seek greater pleasure and will never apply principles they apply to others, to themselves, because that's the purpose of power, privilege, which more or less means the ability to flout laws. Everyone figures out they have a prostate eventually (due to medical necessity if nothing else) and then, if you've spent your life being an idiot about it, the bill comes due. It happens all the time, the world over. It's so fucking boring it's literally criminal.
Kind of weird to imply that selfish pleasure seeking leads to being gay... Seems more likely that when they learned the harmful social tradition that being gay is bad, they fixated on it because it was something they were "struggling" with so it became what their brains go to in morality talks and sticks out more among the other "sins". It's like all those horny teenagers that form abstinence clubs.
Hey can we get some cope in chat please
Sorry, this is all the copium I could muster
we all talk about accidentally streaming porn but it never actually happens.
It happens. But unless it's someone big, most streamers aren't being recorded or have haters who want to get them banned and are able to scrub all evidence of it.
pup hood
German Shepherd, you think?
As a Jew so Jewy that I moderate c/Jewish, I can tell you for a fact that I personally use the mind control setting on my space laser to make Nick Fuentes think about sucking cock all day.
Thank you for your service
You're doing Yahweh's work.
How many liters of children’s blood does that take?
Those little hats are mind control transmitters, aren't they?
Please. They're called beanies and some come with propellers.
(If I had a dollar for every time some idiot called a yarmulke a beanie...)
The Nazis persecuted gays and sent them to concentration camps.
and the Allies left them there
Why do people keep saying this bullshit lol.
Allies weren't leaving gays in concentration camps. Persecution at home is an entirely different story.
At the end of the war, the majority of homosexuals were freed from camps in both parts of divided Germany. However, the homophobia directed against them by the public remained strong. Article 175—the basis for sending thousands of innocent people to concentration camps—remained in force in the DDR until 1967, and in West Germany until 1969. There were some American and British lawyers who demanded that homosexuals convicted under Article 175 serve out their full sentences. For instance, if someone had been sentenced to eight years and served five years of the sentence in prison followed by three years in a concentration camp, the lawyers demanded that the person return to prison to serve out three years. The number of people forced to “complete” their sentences in this way is not known. To this day, no financial compensation has been paid to the victims of Nazi homosexual policies, despite the fact that the German government offered compensation to victims of Jewish ethnicity, political prisoners, and other groups that survived the concentration camps. Only the homosexuals were passed over. Many people deny that the homosexuals have a right to any such compensation, stating that victims with an alternative sexual orientation were justly imprisoned, and “had no one but themselves to blame.”
Significant numbers of the homosexuals who survived the war found themselves unable to return to their families or hometowns following their camp experiences. There were many reasons for this. Above all, however, shame and the fear of being stigmatized motivated homosexuals to change not only their addresses but everything else that could have been associated with their earlier lives.
The attempts that homosexuals made to conceal their pasts in the camps combined with the attitudes prevailing in postwar Europe to make it difficult for researchers to find many of those who had been sentenced under Article 175. As one of those researchers, Richard Plant, noted in his book The Pink Triangle: “Despite the fact that they no longer had to wear the pink triangles that designated them, they remained marked to the end of their lives.”
Maybe it was sex camps because they like it so much.
Eh this is pretty distasteful, they were murdered, gassed, and starved to death.
I think this is it. I am so fucking sick of being politically aware. I am tired of knowing that most of the bullshit in the US was caused by Jerry Falwell standing to lose money from desegregation. I am tired of being trans in an idiot state governed by those that fuckers he influenced over 50 years ago. I am tired of only being able to vote or hold a sign. This whole thing is fucked.
I am tired of having literal rocks thrown at me if I dare to speak when my voice doesn't match my presented gender. I am tired of being told that I shouldn't exist. I am tired of being completely ignored at work even with over 20 years in the trade.
I don't know why this sent me over the edge reading this, but I am so ready to cash out my savings and live in a dark bunker, letting an ignorance of this garbage's existence wash over me.
I say this with all of my being: The GOP and neo nazis like this fucker can sit on it and spin.
If moving to a civilized country is a potential option for you, it could pay off looking into your genealogy.
I grew up in the US and moved to Norway after feeling like the country was nose-diving politically. I remember feeling serious shame for paying taxes to fund such horrendous actions, an unwavering sense of hopelessness, and even serious depression. I remember the first time I realised how much I felt like a foreigner in my own home country, and the existential dread those words brought with them, amplified by the fact that I felt like there was nothing in my power I could do to change that. It was so far beyond awful. I'm struggling to find the words that can accurately convey how bleak and worthless life in the US felt.
And I say this as a cis white man. I've heard horror stories, but I can't possibly imagine what it must be like for trans people in the US, especially in the past several years.
At some point I learned that because my grandmother was born in a certain EU country and fled during WWII, I qualified for citizenship of that country, just by proving my relation to her. It took some time, but I got the documents in order to put together my application, and left everything behind to move to Norway. With EU citizenship, you could move almost anywhere in Europe you choose. I chose Norway for many many reasons, but scandinavia in general is just so incredibly politically refreshing. Regardless of political views, the system itself just... Works.
Since you have 20+ years experience in your field, you might not even need to go though the process of getting a citizenship you may or may not qualify for as a birthright, depending on your profession. Many countries also have immigration laws in place making it extremely easy for skilled workers to relocate there, permanently. I know in Norway, the company hiring the skilled worker can essentially vouch for skilled workers, granting them the right of residency as soon as they're hired. And there are many companies which post job listings in English, without requiring you to know the local language, because... Well, damn near everybody here is completely fluent in English and has no issue speaking English, or even switching to English for entire groups of people, even if only one person struggles with Norwegian.
But anyway, I'm sorry you're forced to feel the way you feel living in your own home country. I can relate to parts of it at least, and even the sum of those parts was unbearable for me. So it saddens me to read messages like yours. I just wanted to offer a suggestion that worked to stop these feelings for me, and ended up being the best damn decision I've ever made in my life.
If you have questions or anything, feel free to send me a message.
Go buy firearms and join/start an LGBTQIA+ militia. Either you train to protect yourself, or you can continue what you are currently doing which is roll over and die in the torrent of hate instead of fighting it back.
Yep, it's rather demoralizing when the side of sanity and critical thought are ranting about getting rid of all firearms, when the other side already has enough firearms to turn a potential civil war into Team America vs. Cavemen Throwing Rocks At Each Other.
Be less like Ghandi and be more like fucking Black Panthers. Or at least support the 2nd Amendment and stop with this pointless bullshit about how we don't need guns because the city police is totally going to have our backs :rollseyes:
Most of those backwards transphobic states also make it pretty easy to purchase a concealable firearm and also frequently allow such concealment without much red tape. Food for thought my friend.
I have 3 just because creeps exist.
Hey, cash out your savings and live in Taiwan. We are the first Asian country in the world to acknowledge gay marriage and have a vibrant LGBTQ+ community. Even this year's winner for RuPaul's drag race went to a Taiwanese contestant.
We would welcome you with open arms and invite you to work here.
Me, 10 years ago: haha, the onion
Me, now: haha, republicans
Me, 8 years ago: haha, dsp
Me, now: haha, republicans
disHonerable mention, Gavin McInnes putting a dildo up his own ass live.
Me, now: crying haha, Republicans more crying
Is everything Republican rail against just self loathing projection?
A few of them are true Captain Planet cartoon villains in their hearts (McConnel, MangoBastard), but for the most part yes.
Every single member of Donald's cabinet was comically evil. Like the sort of appointments that would happen in a comic book so that the reader knows for certain they are completely corrupt.
I once heard someone try to say Captain Planet was actually harmful to discussions on environmentalism because it portrayed the "bad guys" aka oil barons, loggers etc. as physically deformed monster men who were cartoonishly Evil with a capital E, and people who watched the show as a child treat people who work at power plants or refineries or whatever as if they're Just Evil and don't have room to debate that stable grid power is exceptionally important.
But no turns out they genuinely are physically deformed monster men who are cartoonishly Evil with a capital E.
I'm yet to see a radical be against something and it not be because they hate themselves. Either they want others to suffer like them, or to struggle like they had to, or to not let the "unworthy" be more similar to them.
I'm pretty sure my mother, who is staunchly against abortion, is only against it because my grandmother offered to pay to abort me and my mother refused the offer and regrets it. She was 18 and her aunt then refused to pay for her college because she got knocked up. But you get what you get, and she got a gay son. 🤷🏻♂️
The evidence is mounting. Pretty sure this has been researched by psychologists, does anyone know of a good book about this?
It's like these conservatives are just closet homos who can't seem to be able to get out of the closet.
The worst part is they are ruining for all homos because they are so self hating.
Honestly they can get fucked.
I’m sorry their mum and dad can’t accept you want to take cock up the bum but it’s no reason to go around stopping other perfectly happy and well adjusted people from doing it.
Isn't it weird how men who spend a lot of time thinking about gay sex keep turning out to be gay?
Republicans: we project our self-hate on to other people.
That might be the funniest shit I've ever heard 😂
Watch the video OP posted for receipts. The twitch chat makes it all the more hilarious.
All reactionary politics is sexual pathology example #349598927
I'm not a big fan of this line of thinking, because it very quickly leads into "Every homophobe is a closeted homosexual", which is some genuinely insane levels of victim blaming when you actually think about it. Are we seriously going to suggest that queer people are to blame for our own oppression? And for that matter, if homophobia is only enacted by closeted queer people, then what made them closeted in the first place? In a world where no straight person is every homophobic, no queer person would ever have felt any shame about who they are.
Are we seriously going to suggest that queer people are to blame for our own oppression?
I've never seen anyone make this claim.
It makes some sense that the people who violently bottle up all of their impulses, who are then the most unhappy about it, just to fit in with their right wing community are then the ones who A) think about it the most often, and B) imagine that the "devil's temptation" and the repression thereof is normal for most people, when it really isn't.
—But this isn't the same as saying that only gay people are homophobic. It's just a kind of pathology that leads to being the most militant about it. You end up working the hardest to fit in because you're the most at risk of losing that.
But even more than that, I'm not sure I believe straightness is really "real." If everyone is "a little bit queer", and conservatives are the only ones rejecting that, then this is just an indication that their ideas don't really pan out. They would claim straightness is normal, default, but they can't hold themselves to it; it's not actually possible.
So, those are two different answers to the one problem you've put forward, but in either case, or neither, I don't really see this as the gays attacking themselves. The right wing is just kinda wack, you know?
I think usually when I see that idea, is more along the lines of "doth protest too much, methinks." A lot of the most vocal homophobes are at least slightly bi or at least seem to like either , partly just because of how common being at least slightly bi is and they go out of their way to deny it. That can be true and still much more casual homophobia by straight people can still be the most common source of homophobia and what pushes people to extremes in their denial. But I also wonder if the argument is sometimes made in hopes of making people afraid of being too homophobic in fear of being seen as gay.
it very quickly leads into “Every homophobe is a closeted homosexual”, which is some genuinely insane levels of victim blaming when you actually think about it.
I was being intentionally hyperbolic for comedic effect rather than trying to be totally nuanced.
There's plenty of examples of people who are outwardly liberal being homophobic- it happens all the time towards people who are seen as 'not on their team' ie how often Democrats (online, comedians, etc) will mock someone like lindsey graham because he's a bit queeny.
You also see it when liberals do stuff like portray Putin and Trump kissing because men kissing bad, right?
Shame is a hell of a motivator
Historically the church and then law made them closeted in the first place!
It wasn't always abnormal for (wealthy) men to have male concubines or lovers- until the Abrahamic religions that is
The cool thing about (religious) propaganda is it doesn't have to be true, it's only biased on faith. Faith that these white men know the divine and will stop you from having a fearful afterlife. They don't need proof, just faith. Few people get butthurt no one wants to hurt their butts and they ban it for everyone
Thins are not as discreet as that.
Methinks the computer protests too much. How’d conservatives make a gay chat bot?
I thought everyone knew he was gay. A self hating gay guy, sure, but I thought this was known facts.
Isn't this the Nazi who said it was gay to have sex with a woman? We all certainly knew there was some sort of sexual complex. I wouldn't say I knew he wanked to gay porn prior to this, but I'm not at all surprised, either.
More precisely, he said you should only do it to have as many kids as possible, and that enjoying it "would be gay"
Not very surprising, right? He was once basically on a date with a guy, and a lot of times has he talked about how the company of other men is his preference. Sure, just some usual rightwing misogony, bit there always seemed to be something else there too.
"The Jews hacked my site to make me stream gay porn!"🤣🤣🤣
As they are wont to do.
Theres gay, then there's eating a literal dumpling out of another guys ass.
It’s called purity culture, get with the times
Just enjoy your ignorance on this one.
Agree with the other reply, but I will say one of his least terrible things but you may have heard about is he was a major source of Kanye's "I love Hitler" tour. He was with him on almost every appearance, if not every one of them.
A Nazi troll. Really not worth thinking about.
Honest question. I'm vaguely familiar with streaming software and fairly tech literate.
How does something like this accidentally happen?
Also, OP says he forgot to turn off the camera and masturbated but that doesn't seem to be what the video depicts?
I've once forgotten to end the recording of a short clip and ended up with something like hour of black with occasional clicking sounds at the end, it happens
This is his excuse.
The Jews did it?
Come on, that's a little on the nose, isn't it?
It doesn't happen that often with professionals because they keep their work and personal programs on completely separate computers.
This is one of a myriad of reasons why you do that.
Wouldn't want your taxes folder getting leaked
Pretty much, and some very bad ones at that. Like if he set alt-tab to start streaming.
The only way this could happen is if he has hotkeys setup to switch between video sources, and I guess to restart the stream. I don't think OBS (the most used streaming software) set these hotkeys up by default so we can't really guess what they might be. It is also likely that Nick uses some kind of 3rd party stream control hardware to manage these shortcuts, but if that is the case it would make it even less likely that this happened by accident because when using a device like that you usually set up long shortcuts like ctrl-shift-alt-F9, etc.
SO if Nick has set these shortcuts to be the same as the at least two of the following:
then it's possible that Nick managed to restart the stream, begin playback, and after several seconds switch the video source.
It's pretty damn unlikely. The sound, maybe, that could continue without additional input from the user as it captures all desktop audio by default. But starting the stream again and switching video source? Nah I doubt it.
Yeah... Its a bit weird. It would be satisfying if it were true but it's fishy for sure.... I guess if you were screen sharing in the wrong browser? But stream ended usually means stream ended... i dunno how you accidentally go live at that point... Is there anyone else referncing this? Good one, but just looks like an edit.
Steam ended as in "the official steam ended" and then he forgot to actually end it and accidently streamed himself jerking it to gay porn.
To be honest, it really looks like the stream got hacked. In the video you can see that the stream ends, and then suddenly comes back up with the porn full screen.
Hilarious either way.
Yeah. I’m with you on this one. It looks and seems exactly like he’s describing it. I get we all want it to be true but hive mind isn’t facts.
"I want attention, watch this."
Stop. Talking. About. Nazis. And. FACISTS.
Unless they've actually done something like killed people or something. Covering shit like this is exactly what they need. They have no shame.
Posting about this in a place as left-leaning as Lemmy really won't positively impact Fuentes in any way. We just get to have a good laugh at the fact that he and other Nazis are complete buffoons.
Well we gays still don’t want him
The straights don't blame the gays!
This shit stain is pretty disgusting
PS with that being said, it seems with this much gay representation on the republican side, we would see some more "tolerance"
"it was research!"
I knew he had a cute lil' twink inside of him.
I thought it was him who was inside that nazi catboy?
Neo-Nazi bastard
“I’m not gay no more, I am delivert!”
I thought this was no secret anymore. It's been reported on before I think. Not that it should surprise anyone about his taste in porn.
image of a press release i am not sure how credible this is (cant verify whether this was only streamed to 1 of the 3 platforms) I'm all for bashing on a nazi but if what hes saying is true then we probably shouldn't spread this as gospel
Edit: if false and knowingly supporting a factious narrative then this becomes a slur and not a report on a hypocritical nazi. what is said in the above link looks to be reasonable, as when streaming to multiple platforms it would be highly likely that this would be done from a single instance of obs, so when only 1 of the 3 hosting sites has gay porn streamed to it it is reasonable to believe that a hacker has hijacked the stream apposed to the nazi using 3 streaming applications, disconnecting 2 and continuing to watch gay porn on 1, nonsensical.
I don't support Nick Fanta or any other political streaming mouthpieces, but just as you said this sounds like a plausible explanation and if true then we'd all be better off acknowledging the truth rather than running with sensationalist lies.
That is to say, the people that downvoted your comment are children who can't employ critical thinking to see the uncertainty here-- or perhaps they know something we don't.
Regardless, fuck this Nazi streamer in particular, and all like him. But goddamn people make sure you have your facts straight otherwise you make your opponents look more credible than yourself you tools. Seriously, you make everyone who supports your view look like idiots by being blatantly obvious idiots.
You're admonishing us for not giving the (incredibly cliched) claims of an literal unabashed nazi the benefit of the doubt, but we're the tools...? The man got caught looking at gay porn without disabling all his connections and now he must have been 'hacked' by someone who "most likely isn't Israeli intelligence". Take a look at yourself, man. He's a NAZI. He doesn't need or deserve your bizarrely moralizing support.
It's not that I disagree with anything you said, except this. "If what hes saying is true then we probably shouldn't spread this as gospel"
Why not? Fuck em. If John Q public knows who this guy is, it's probably his connections to Kanye and Alex Jones. Maybe MTG. It's up to the audience to scratch beneath the surface. If they do and they let people misrepresenting a nazi watching gay porn effect their opinion on fucking anything then John q public is a piece of shit desperate for both sides trash. If that's the case, fuck em. That's worst case scenario, best case scenario is more make up on all those fucking clowns.
Fuck em indeed but spreading falsities will only discredit the left. Besides character assignation is low brow fascist behaviour.
It would seem even more nonsensical that if he was streaming to 3 platforms at once using a single application, that a hacker could just hack a single one of those in-progress OBS streams and replace the content while leaving the others alone, without rebooting the stream or affecting the rest of OBS. But I have no clue what happened to be clear, I just don't see how he was streaming to three places using a single OBS and somehow 1/3 of the output changes. Because it's not like if just his Cozy got hacked, that would somehow allow a hacker to step into an-progress pre-recorded stream and take it over, you'd have to close the existing stream coming from whatever "webapp" he is referring to and start a new one, which is not what it sounds like happened. I'm not a OBS, Cozy, or streaming expert by any means, just my opinions based on this super limited info.
the stream had ended on all 3 hosting sites and then on 1 of the hosting sites a stream started up after seconds of the stream ending. it depicted a shock style compilation of gay porn. it was the type of video used to troll and not the sort for getting off to
I always figured his next step was announcing an onlyfans or appearing on blacked.
ah yes, a classic.
Most sane nazi
Gay Nazis...... goddamn it why do Nazis ruin everything
Fun Fact: Ernst Röhm and The Brownshirts were super gay. Apparently during The Night of the Long Knives, Röhm and a huge amount of Brownshirts were scooped up during a massive gay orgy. I bet that was a wild ride until it ended in prison.
With a last name like Fuentes, the Nazis would have probably thrown him in a camp. I don’t understand why some people are white supremacists when they aren’t completely white. It’s like, are they racist against themselves? It’s like watching Dave Chapelle’s stand up routine about the blind, black, white supremacist. Are people like Fuentes for real?
'White' is a made up category that changes its meaning in different countries and contexts. All identities are arbitrary. If you derive social or material benefit from a fascist identity, you might decide it's worth it to be a fascist.
It's not uncommon for people who might be read as a marginalized identity to adopt an identity that hedges against being part of that marginalized identity - gay republicans, poor billionaire-stans, anti-immigration migrants, etc.
Right. I think grouping people by color would make much less sense than grouping people by something that actually matters in the event of an emergency. People have spent so many years hyper-focused on race, religion, color, and sexuality. When someone drops to the ground from cardiac arrest, no one cares about those things. What they should be asking is, “what is this person’s blood type, in the event they require heart surgery and need blood transfusions?” No one ever seems to care about the differences in people that can determine life or death at some point. No one ever cares about what really matters until it’s too late. Society wants to divide itself? That’s great! Let’s do that by blood type so everyone can live near their potential blood donors, and people they could potentially help in medical emergency. Everyone will just downvote this, I’m sure, and go right back to discussing racial supremacy and who said what to hurt someone else’s feelings, in the political arena.
Holy what? That last paragraph. Did he really say that?
i kind of wanted to see the reactions too.
It does look like it was hacked, but I don't have any experience with how a duplicate stream source plays out in a situation like this. Just that I can't easily imagine how misclicks or a bad setup would result in this particular series of events in something like OBS.
The twitter and kiwifarms threads are predictably useless (also this one, c'mon guys, use your brains, we're supposed to be better than reddit). According to the groypers Nick was outed as gay some time ago, but he prefers femboys over this kind of stuff. I'm not a Fuentes lore expert but I feel like I've heard this before so maybe it's true.
Kinda funny to see the right eating itself alive in the kiwifarms thread with neonazis screaming crazy antigay bigotry on one side, and groyper neonazis coping hard on the other.
But what I really want to know is how the stream key was stolen. I hope whoever did it comes forward soon. I feel like the groypers aren't going to be fazed by this and will just build themselves up with more conspiracy. It would be better imo to just slam Nick for his trash op-sec.
Hold up though. So nick definitely went offline as there was a break in the stream. Then his account started broadcasting full screen gay porn. Also there's a telegram handle "groyprape" in the corner that wasn't there before. I mean we already know his... Preferences, but this actually looks like someone got a hold of his api key.
What if the whole problem with gay people is that they become Nazi propagandists and Republican politicians all the time? I'm always hearing about it and I'm not sure I like people who are so likely to be Nazis or Republicans.
This is a hilarious and dangerous philosophy
Imagine if it were true by some ridiculous stretch of imagination. 🤣🤣
Bro we would need to uninstall the universe for being defective.
So obviously fuck this nazi scumbag but I watched the uncensored version and it’s pretty obvious he was hacked or something like that.
Not sure to be honest, I'm all for supporting it and am fine with watching any kind of consensual porn, but the Reciepts link didn't show me anything that proved anything.
Never used that software though, it doesn't show the navigation portion of going to a search engine or a bookmark/favorites or what not, I assume it must be screen sharing an individual monitor maybe, by why would the browser have opened on the other monitor there. Hard to say
lol cope with what?
and it’s pretty obvious he was hacked or something like that.
Is it? Care to expound on that theory?
Have you watched it? It doesn’t show him browsing for porn it’s just continuous clip after clip of extreme porn.
Also there's a watermark advertising an anti-groper telegram group on the footage.
Honestly, anyone who thinks it wasn't hacked is just an idiot or doing it for political reasons. The latter are also idiots because this doesn't even hurt his fanbase, they are fully aware it's a hack, and are now blaming the Jews for it. It's a complete win for them because they now convince themselves they are victims of Jewish aggression.
The more I think about how unconvincing it is the worse I feel about the situation and the hacker. They could have done a lot more with a hacked stream key than this.
Not that it is impossible, but could we please stop spreading rumors, and using gay as an insult to ridicule people, I know that it is more about highlighting the hypocrisy of right wing influencers, but this censored version is fishy, like why refresh the page to get the stream to resume, he could be hacked. If he is gay, good for him. but this video is weak proof that he himself streamed it and wasn't hacked.
Edit: all evidence points to a hack. multiple sped up gay porn clips with no consistent theme playing back to back with a consistent watermark of a hacker's telegram channel, without any sign of someone browsing through them, a stream that only started after the official stream had ended, all point to a hack. don't let your disgust of the person blind you to the evidence, have some critical thinking, and thanks for the down votes.
Seriously? He was masturbating to gay porn, did they hack his brain too? And why would the so called hacker just put gay porn on? You easily could do so much worse (for him, nothing wrong with gay porn), and also steal and leak any info on the computer.
Do you not realise you're making stuff up in a try to defend a nazi? Get fucked, you're a dumb and shitty person.
I couldn't see him mastrubating to anything in this censored video, even in this cut video there wasn't a mention of him being recorded masturbating, all I see is a rainbow flag with big red censored typography on top. I couldn't find the uncut video so unless you have the raw footage, I prefer to ere on the side of caution. maybe be they should have posted the video to xhamster instead to twitter censorship.
this is just misinformation to a T. where did you see or hear of this?
Did you see the video? It's clearly a hack, like it doesn't show someone browsing through and finding a porn to watch, it is just instant barrage of different clips. And no video/sound/indication that he was jerking it.
This is mob mentality!! Think for yourself, seek evidence.
That's an odd thing to say. They might just be adding some nuance to their analysis. If I used "but" as a conjunction in the conclusion of my thesis, does that mean it was only a paragraph long?
I don't apologize for nazi's, if he really is gay than I should sympathize with the mental state he is living under, being torn between to extreme identities, He must have pushed himself so hard to conform to the heterosexual norm that he ended up on the extreme side of conservatism and toxic heteronomative expectations. What I am saying saying, is he is in desperate need for mental help.
This rule doesn't apply when you're a piece of shit.