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Our food is served on the finest of iPads

The photo of the plate isn't even centered :/

  • What restaurant actually is this?

    This is so outragously stupid that I have difficulty believing an actual business decided this was a good idea.

    • This is from a very old reddit post and they don't mention what restaurant. But I found this article of a San Franciscan restaurant that also boasts serving food on iPads. Better presentation, but still...

      • a restaurant actually does this for real

        What in the Caucasian mickey-mouse-fuck was going through the heads of the operator when they decided to do that?

        The only thing I can think of is for attention - which is a peefectly valid reason when your buisness lives and dies depending on how many people walk through the doors- but there's no way that was even close to their best option for achieving that, so it's gotta be something else.