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Trump, DeSantis, and 2024 GOP hopefuls' stance on spending and debt Up for Debate: Trump, DeSantis, and 2024 GOP hopefuls' stance on spending and debt

The first Republican presidential debate is fast approaching on Aug. 23, when candidates will hope to close the gap on former President Donald Trump and separate from the rest of the pack. In this series, Up For Debate, the Washington Examiner will look at a key issue or policy every day up until…

Up for Debate: Trump, DeSantis, and 2024 GOP hopefuls' stance on spending and debt

The important thing to note is how gullible Trump was/is. The pandemic was a fake (no deadlier then the flu) story driven by the CCP, the media, Democrat, and bureaucrats - yet Trump fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

He locked down the country and added trillions to our national debt trying to tackle a mirage.

The national debt rose by nearly $7.8 trillion while Trump was in office, and the infusion marks the third-largest relative increase of a U.S. presidential administration, according to the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center.

Trump and his allies are quick to point out that much of that came as a result of the pandemic, an unprecedented event that upended the country in the lead-up to the 2020 election.