See something off? Do your part to keep the Lemmy community safe:
R - Read the rules of the community.
E - Explain your report, including rule # when possible.
P - Provide context the mods should know.
O - Opt-out, disengage, downvote or block. Don't add to the drama.
R - Reach out or report right away. *For extremely time-sensitive content (CSAM, gore) DM an admin via Matrix: Instance homepage > Sidebar > click admin's @username > Send Secure Message
T - Trust your instincts. If in doubt, report it.
I’m not sure “downvote” should be included in Opt-out. Some instances allow a poster to see exactly who downvoted them. If someone is saying something obnoxious or repulsive enough to consider reporting, there’s a good chance they’re doing it on purpose. I don’t need to be on their trolling shit list.
Kbin is an example. But just due to the nature of the protocol, it has to be stored somewhere but Lemmy also just lets admins view all the individual votes directly in the UI.
the 'O' in REPORT feels like a directive to block, rather than do what you feel you need to avoid being brought into the issue. I'm sure if I put a few minutes into it I could come up with a recommendation on how to change it, but I'm emotionally exhausted today.
I also have some concerns over the recommmendation to block, which I voiced in the original thread. If I block a problematic user, I can no longer help by reporting their posts in the future.
I think the key is to take whatever space is necessary not to make the problem worse for mods. None of those verbs are requirements but rather suggestions to improve the quality of your report.
I welcome any changes to the language to make that more clear though for sure. 👍
No. Unlike reddit, when you send a report, it shows who reported it.
This has the advantage of the mod being able to respond to the reporter to ask clarification or provide explanation, but it also allows malicious mod action.
I suppose you could create another account if you need to report something without using this name.
That seems like a pretty big oversight on the Lemmy development side of things. There should, at the very least, be an option to submit a report either anonymously or to have it tied to your account. A disclaimer could be included that anonymous reports cannot be responded to in case that is a concern for users.
as one of the instance mod/admin's I'd say that evidence would help expedite the report process but it's totally optional
depending on what the thing being reported is sometimes evidence isn't needed
for anything that's blatantly negative/unpleasant, evidence isn't typically needed when reporting a post/comment
for anything else that someone might find subtly "off", 2 pieces of evidence could help us figure out what's wrong
as a systems analyst having as much information to determine what happened and how things got to this way can help others and myself determine what the best way forward could be
for example some users might just need a warning/clarification based on my own interactions
I've reported so many posts in the meme community that I either need to completely block it, or get assigned to the moderation team. It is constantly overrun with political propaganda that doesn't even slightly resemble a meme.
Let me rephrase. What I feel is that downvoting should be used for legitimate content interaction. i.e. That doesn't fit this community, that's not a good post. Not, I don't like this opinion. I'm saying it should be saved for legitimate communing.
Sad to see how quick lemmy is becoming reddit. I've already had lots of DMs from hateful angry folks with rage problems who take words on their web browser way too seriously.
and the dumbos who go around downvoting all your comments because of one they didn't like.
my experience is that people are idiots. no matter where you go irl or on the internet. and will willfully be offended at the slightest disagreement or hint that they wont' get their way.
'just go somewhere else!' - this is the same thinking that is the usa housing and immigration crisis. head in the sand nonsense, blaming other people, and then jerk yourself off about what a saint and divine patron of lemmy you are.