Yes absolutely. Fast food chains literally make their food more addictive in order to generate more profit. There is little to no incentive by our governments to make healthy food cheaper or to severely limit the influence fast food companies have, because that would disturb the 'free market'.
To summarise, it is a combination of many related factors
Overly sedately lifestyle. In America, you are forced to use your car everywhere. Even in other countries, sports and gyms aren't usually cheap, and you also need the spare time to engage
Diets contain too much sugar, other people have given resources for this
One thing people haven’t touched on is how socialism could be more effective at fighting obesity. At the end of the day, farmers produce surplus calories for the rich world far beyond the per-capita caloric needs. Sellers are able to create demand so farmers can get paid by making high calorie foods unsatiating and ubiquitous, which creates an energy surplus as the population level. An obesity epidemic is implicitly a policy decision.
Production could be planned to meet caloric and nutritional needs for the entire population if a society looks past the profit motive. Furthermore, certain food ultraprocessing methods could be better-controlled to contain foods that are basically poison for the body’s energy balance
It's not just that, often times those unhealthy foods are all that are available to people. Food deserts are a thing, people do their grocery shopping at convenience stores.
Overworking people to the point where they might not have time to cook a meal is also an issue.
The US subsidizes dairy and beef, when in reality putting that money into subsidizing grains and vegetables is so much more beneficial for people in the long run.
Can you imagine getting 4 heads of fresh lettuce or kale for 1$, it could be so much better.
Yeah if I had control of subsidies the government would make stuff like lettuce kale and fruits and vegetables cost as little as possible to make it accessible for the poor and the working class in general.
Yes, unhealthy food is made to be addictive and convenient.
There are other factors that go into it too though. People work far too long hours with far too long commutes and either don't have the time or energy to do any cooking and/or grocery shopping. Even if you live in an area where you have good markets to buy food from, you may not always be able to.
I love to cook, it's one of my main hobbies and I still find I don't really have much time to cook during the week after work. My office provides lunch that is reasonably well balanced, luckily for me. If I could spend less time going to/from/at the office I would happily go to the market to buy fresh produce every day. But that simply isn't feasible.
Capitalism in practice follow the original definition of Capitalism to implement government by a few property owning elites for the few property owning elites, so Capitalism will use taxpyer money to investment in fast food industry to cause obesity problems to make money for a few people at the cost of the 99%. Another source of obesity is the ability of European immigrants to buy a lot of food from the welfare of their government that provide free child slaves in Indian Residential fake schools, free money from stolen inheritance of abducted Aboriginal children, and free misappropriation of Aboriginal parent's funding with the lie that the funding will provide high quality education in indian Residential fake school slave camps, luxurious living conditions to abducted children, and promise to make the children into elites of European immigrant society.
Another problem is the lack of access to healthy food. The African Americans and Native Americans lack access to healthy food from racist policies that sound good in name only, corrupted white government officers, and regions with only fast food among the affordable food. There are aboriginal First Nation people who face forced imprisonment in federal reserves concentration camps where they endure planned starvation and planned chemical attacks until they forfeit the fruit of their labor and reparation for Indian Residential fake school holocaust that became the milder Nazi Holocaust, so the financial and social problems from the federal reserves concentration camps made it hard to afford healthy food. Some European immigrants have obesity problems, but most of them have enough government support and wealth from stolen land and stolen inheritance from abducted Indignous children to buy healthy food to avoid obesity without financial bankruptcy.