Thank you, Fire Lord Netflix
Thank you, Fire Lord Netflix
Thank you, Fire Lord Netflix
I do like the eight episode limited series format though. It’s conclusive, but more immersive than a movie. In some ways it’s the best of both worlds.
Yeah that wasn't the bad part. It was the poor writing and stiff acting.
This is the first thing I've seen about the new series since release week. How are fans feeling now that it's been out a while? I'm a die hard fan of the original series but couldn't get past the pilot.
I really liked the anime, but am enjoying the live action. It's not silly, which is a little of a bummer. A few plot lines are moved around or missing, but the bending looks good, the story is largely right so far (though season 2 will test that better), and the writing/acting is good enough for me.
It's not better than the anime, but it's a nice addition
"They" is who? I see only die hard fans complaining. It's been a success for Netflix. I'm one of the people who love the Netflix show despite the crap acting / script on some parts. I tried to get into the Anime three times now but I just can't get past it being so child-oriented. I felt like I'm watching Pokémon. The Netflix variant is much darker, which I believe to be more fitting than the children's show.
You should just start with Legend of Korra (which has an older cast and older target audience), or even skip to the middle of ATLA.
And yeah, the immaturity, especially in the first series, is something the super diehard fans (even more diehard than me) blatantly ignore.