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Privacy enthusiasts, what made you start?

My privacy journey started with a YouTube video by SomeOrdinaryGamers about the Club Penguin Online doxing situation in 2020. Then, through Techlore and other YouTubers, I learned about private browsers, VPNs, password managers, Linux, FOSS, and more. What made you start?

  • Mine started with some random guy posting a google doc about how to use uBlockOrigin to not only block ads but also to block 3rd party scripts & frames, and see what all your internet connected to.

    After the paranoia set in from seeing just how many connections are made from every single click, I got intensely interested in how much more I could do to regain privacy. It's been a very deep rabbit hole.

    • VERY deep. For myself, I realized that when I got into it, I not only began to give less information to companies, but my way of thinking changed a lot, a lot of new skills in setting up/finding alternatives, good projects were acquired.

      • Yes, totally agree. It was actually a great growth opportunity to start learning new skills and become more self reliant. Now instead of trusting Google or Microsoft with my data, I can trust myself to keep it safe.

  • For me the question should rather be, what made you never start using privacy intrusive tools. And the answer would be simple common sense. But then again, I'm at an age where I can remember not being able to call someone because someone was using the modem in our house.

  • Same here! I also have a nosy mom, but she's not too great at computers. I'm lucky she's older and barely knows how to copy and paste. Still, I've learned to lock every door, close every window, and make sure I'm not connected to the TV!