Educate yourself.
Educate yourself.
Educate yourself.
they said to "educate yourself", not "get education from experts and professors"
I did my residency for 3 years on TikTok and I have a PHD from YouTube.
I see nothing about her googling experience!
How many hours has she logged on Facebook?
What do actual doctors who have studied for years know?!? My grandad said rub some dirt in it. Sure, my niece died of e-coli, but it wasn’t the rare pork, she just didn’t pray hard enough. in case anyone isn't familiar with the study you're talking about. Imagine being wrong so hard that you lose your license to practice medicine but keep up the act for decades afterward. Wakefield is such a piece of shit.
I love when people claim to not trust the science of vaccines. Vaccines created using the same scientific method that allowed the invention of the smart phones they're typing from. The same science that allows for all modern medicine, energy production, manuacturing, etc.
People that don't trust or "believe" science are too stupid to connect those dots.
most cookers don't understand what the scientific method is. my brother thinks it's like some list of formulas scientists use to see if something is true or not, not the entire actual process around theory/observation/evidence/peer review. they thibk "science" indoctrinates people to think a certain way and that scientists somehow are told to ignore everything not in a textbook. no explaining how wrong this is in over 3 years has helped
I mean, the scientific method produces mistakes - it's just that the scientific method is also intended to fix those mistakes over time. Being critical of research is helpful for the correct functioning of the scientific method, but this has nothing to do with conspiracy theorists who will question the overwhelmingly corroborated general principles that determine the functioning of AC or light bulbs.
I think you’re missing that she is a pediatrician and not just a “doctor.” Pediatricians administer a big majority of vaccines and care for the patients receiving them. They probably do learn a hell of a lot more about them than, say, an oncologist who spends all their time treating cancer in old people. And they see the effects of them up close in the field. Any doctor is constantly researching and staying up to date. A pediatrician worth their salt is very well educated on all relevant studies even if they didn’t conduct those studies with their own two hands. I reject the notion that you need to conduct the studies to know the science: that’s a ludicrous bar for us to set.
Perhaps agree she's not an "expert" but she's certainly "educated"
Sure, but the person told her to educate herself which she responded to.
You can get into a research career as an MD too. It's not strictly clinical practice.
We're all encouraged to publish papers.
Med school is definitely not a trade school. The amount of material I learned per day in med school was about the same quantity as a week of college.
Anyone who tells you to “educate yourself” probably barely made it out of high school.
Censoring a slur doesn't really make it less of a slur.
The only person who ever basically said that vaccines cause autism was Andrew Wakefield and he was a con artist who was trying to sell his special magic don't give you autism vaccine, which turned out to be the same stuff as the "autism vaccine" or in some cases saline.
He had his medical licence revoked. He should have gone to prison.
Only morons believed him, and only morons continue to believe him.
Oh there have been plenty of others who also have said it, like Jenna Mccarthy
She's just copying Wakefield, he was the first. Prior to him no one had really raised the possibility because it's bloody stupid.
He just fed on parents desire to blame something on their child's autism diagnosis. But sometimes things just happen.
I suspect they mean the only person with any kind of "scientific" presentation, and everything after that has been a game of telephone amongst the anti-vax crowd.
The echoes of those morons are why we have a potential measles epidemic on the horizon
Edit: holy shit this post was 5 months ago—not sure how I found myself here
"Educate yourself" means to look up a few random Facebook posts that agree with your viewpoint and tell others that they are stupid for being brainwashed sheeple.
"Do your own research" and don't vet the sources
Oh, to have the unearned confidence of the mediocre idiot telling the doctor to get educated
IMO, it's a bit like telling a fish to learn to swim.
"Not gonna vaccinate my kids, but I'll be sure to smoke and drink plenty of alcohol while pregnant." - These people
No it's cool, they'll just vape alcohol while they're pregnant, it'll be fine.
Seriously. Does this woman even know how to Educate™? She obviously hasn't listened to Joe Rogan or that troll that crawled out from under a rotten whale carcass to talk about Nibiru Aliens injecting Autism directly into COVID vaccines... Like how can she even call herself a doctor if she doesn't even know about adrenochrome!? Christ, Jamie pull that video up!
I'll bet she does that weirdo commie science where they DON'T start with their conclusion, only collect evidence that supports their gut feelings, and then disregards everything else! Everybody knows the best hypotheses are unfalsifiable!
Autism causes vaccines.
Vaccines cause... kids to grow up and become adults. Autism? It means I have limited social energy and I'm so good at seeing patterns I keep getting told they aren't there and I need to be reasonable🤣
I can definitely see someone on the spectrum being obsessed with biology and solving diseases. If anyone is going be an expert at one specific thing, it's someone with autism.
Image Transcription:
X/Twitter post by user Nicole Baldwin, MD, FAAP @NicoleB_MD reading: Tried my hand at #Tiktok - this one struck a nerve. #VaccinateYourKids #VaccinesWork #somedocs Attached is a screenshot from a Tiktok video showing a woman with a stethoscope around her neck, leaning slightly forward and pointing at on-screen text reading: Vaccines DON'T CAUSE AUTISM A user with their username redacted has replied to the post with the text: Educate yourself woman Below that is a reply from Dr Nicole Baldwin to the unknown user reading: I did. Thanks. 4 years of college. 4 years of medical school. 3 years of pediatric residency. 13 years of clinical practice. 👌
[I am a human, if I’ve made a mistake please let me know. Please consider providing alt-text for ease of use. Thank you. 💜]
Hold up. Whenever I see this stuff the disclaimer at the end is almost always "I'm a bot..." Yadda yadda yadda....
I just noticed that's NOT what it says. So... Umm.... Hi.
Hello, fellow human 🤖
I just find it funny they blanked out his name, but not the replied to.
You been put on blast ————. Hah.
Edit: I don’t see the issue with naming them as he posted it in a public forum, but I shall also redact.
That’s my bad! Sorry (not that sorry) Eddy. I’ll edit the photo so it doesn’t break lemmy’s rules though.
But how many years of youtube study? How long has she been writing papers for anonymous society? I think all her medical practice and education shows how really uneducated she is.
I started at a point of "vaccines obviously don't cause autism, that's absurd."
I transitioned through "even if they did, there's nothing wrong with being autistic"
These days I'm at "autistic people are way better than NT people and I wish vaccines caused autism"
No. I've come to terms with who I am and even like some aspects of it that I would miss so I wouldn't give it up if I had the choice, but it's a disability for me, has been a very hard struggle, and I don't even have it as severe as some. I wouldn't wish this on more people. (Unless it was 100% of people because most of the struggles I have with the tism come from trying to live in a world designed by NTs that probably wouldn't exist in a world where everyone had tism)
Autism is a wide spectrum involving people with different life experiences. It's ok for you to say that you personally don't like being autistic, but do not use that to throw dirt on the people who are doing fine despite social discrimination.
Unless it was 100% of people because most of the struggles I have with the tism come from trying to live in a world designed by NTs that probably wouldn’t exist in a world where everyone had tism
...And this adds even more to my point. This sounds to me like the message of someone who isn't suffering so much due to their innate characteristics as they have due to being discriminated. If you're at that point, the logical position isn't "I wish to be normal", but "I wish society wasn't so full of assholes and was more tolerant".
Ok, that's not 100% true as autism is a spectrum. Sure there are some parts of the spectrum that does make independence difficult.
As someone who is on the spectrum, I have trouble with social situations, including sarcasm and taking things literally - I struggle to take a hint and unless you make it extremely obvious I won't notice flirting... I don't even notice myself flirting tbh - I try not to use that as an excuse. but I'm reasonable with money management, and I do quite well on my own (I spend more time by myself on my computer and technology than I do with my parents, and we live in the same house.) I have a full time job (still trying to work out how I managed that tbh) with an upcoming pay rise due to a contract buyout. (Let's fucking go!)
Not all autism is the same, and sure there are some higher ends of the spectrum that people require assistance, and then there's everyone in between. I needed more assistance in school - I never finished an exam before my extended time limit , and I had regular extensions on assignments. But aside from that I got through it mostly on my own.
I wasn't diagnosed until after my first semester of uni, as public service autism assessments had a waiting list and going private was incredibly expensive.
Me and my girlfriend are both autistic and we would never wish this on anyone. Our child will most likely be autistic, and while we're more than fine with that, we'd love if the kid didn't have to go through the same shit as us
Make no mistake, I love who I am, but being ND is a disability and struggle for the rest of your life
This comment stinks of someone without a disability having wishful thinking.
Yes, it’s true my daughter is the sweetest, most loving, perfect child on the planet. But she also didn’t get potty trained until age 6. She will never be able to drive. She’s only going to be able to hold the most basic jobs. She’ll likely never be able to live independently.
There is definitely nothing wrong with autism and she is easily way better than any other person I’ve ever met. But she also faces some real challenges in life, and I don’t wish that everyone in the world had that.
Thank you for pointing this out, many people are not aware of what real autism is like, and associate mild adhd or just distraction as a result of to much internet as autism.
If you said that NT were way better, you'd be called an asshole and bigot. How's the reverse any different?
Yeahhh I can appreciate the well meant sentiment he was going for but he circled all the way back to being prejudiced lol
If you're like that, everyone will start thinking you are some kind of extremist.
I wonder what that dummy thought "MD" stood for. Mommy Daddy?
Like it's a video game and they have yet to unlock it
Oh yeah? Well, how many Youtube videos has this elitist "scientist" published? How many suppliment pills has she sold online? Why should I trust her?
She's in her 40s? I need to start using moisturizer.
It is easy looking like her. No alcohol, no smoking, regular exercise and have good genes 👍
I usually just buy Levi's. Are those still considered good?
Just chug ivermectin, that makes everything better!
Poor 1989eddy, he just wanted to help her with learning how to use tiktok.
What year is this?
She made the first one in 2020. She’s made an updated one since - the antivaxxers went after her HARD. They’re still leaving 1* reviews on google and sending hate mail. Also, this women is 42 years old in the post. 42! She looks 32!
No, it's 12023.
That burnt more than just now when I was trying to hit a spent bowl and nearly set my eye on fire.
Pediatric residency is only 3 years?!
Yes, most primary specialties are 3 years, and a fellowship is 2 more.
Pollution causes autism. Big pick-up trucks have more pollution.
That’s not what a peer review is. Peer review is a process where a qualified researcher evaluates a single study and gives feedback on the structure, methodology, analysis, conclusions, etc. The author couldn’t even get basic terminology right in the title, which doesn’t bode well.
This is more of a literature review. But an actual literature review involves curating a selection of studies and summarizing them with citations, not just pasting them. So this is more the first step of a literature review.
This is also a bad literature review. A good literature review looks at all the recent studies on a topic, typically within the last 5-10 years, along with landmark studies on which most recent studies are based. A bad literature review cherry picks a bunch of small studies and opinion pieces going back 100 years while ignoring all the ones that are advancing knowledge.
A quick tip to identify anyone who is trying to get away with pseudoscience: if they start pulling out studies from the 1970s, they’re full of shit. It means they are definitely ignoring the last 50 years of good knowledge to construct their spurious claim out of pipe cleaners and prayers.
Why is who's making them important? A pediatrician is someone who's field is child medical care, including vaccines. I can guarantee she's pretty up to date in the literature surrounding vaccine efficacy and dangers to children. Part of being a doctor is learning to read studies and interpret them, and also keeping up to date with the literature, especially in your field.
For your example, your doctor might not know the answer to the exact question you ask, but they have training on how to get the answer that an average person doesn't. They should understand sigma levels of studies and what types of trials are better or worse for determining cause and effect. They (hopefully) won't just accept the first Google result that pops up. They also can recommend you to see a specialist if it's out of their domain.
Thanks for your bullshit anecdotes. Next time your house is on fire tell the firefighters you'll wait for the people that made or approved their fire hose.