A game about bad UI (NOT OC) A game about bad UI (NOT OC)
User Inyerface - A worst-practice UI experiment A game about bad UI (NOT OC)
User Inyerface - A worst-practice UI experiment
Fuck you. 👍 I’m definitely sending this to my design team. 😈
So frustrating, it's great! As a suggestion: the birth date picker should be one of those calendar popups where you are forced to browse back with an arrow to the previous month, a zillion clicks until you reach your birthdate. Of course with a slight delay between each click.
That would be torture
lmao tho i didn't make it and i forgot to specify that it wasn't oc (tho I fixed that just now)
God I hate this, I love it!
I hate this. Well done!
Thanks! I forgot to specify that I didn't make that in the title
This has been reported for violating the rules of the community. I remember when this was posted back on the old site and I let it pass as it was a great terrible UI. To address the reporters other concern; do not give any website you don't know any personal information.
4:47 (mobile)
Beat that bitches
laptop here, but 1:50
PC here, but 5:45 😎
I failed the first bit.