Hosting firm says it lost all customer data after ransomware attack
Hosting firm says it lost all customer data after ransomware attack
Hosting firm says it lost all customer data after ransomware attack
"But we never had a problem before! We might as well cut the security and back-up budget for next year."
IT is one of those things that when it is running perfectly fine, no one thinks about it and instead they start to question why they are spending so much money on various services. But it is BECAUSE you are spending that money that it is running so smoothly. The allure to cut some corners and hire cheaper, less trained employees and cut back on security to save money is a big problem.
It's such a pain in the ass presenting and justifying budget requests when the people who decide only see $$$. It's always "Why do you need this much? We've been doing fine the last couple of years.". The only way to get them to understand is to talk to them in $$$-speak. Like, "This is the amount of the money and reputation you are risking to lose if something happens because we didn't spend for this."
[ in Moss' voice ] they never remember us!
It sounds like they had a really bad backup system for this to happen.
No one will ever trust them with their data and email again, so they might as well close their doors straight away. It’s unfortunate but a mistake like this is likely gonna cost you your business.
Its probably even an easily avoided issue too. If only they had offsite backups they could roll back...
It's not offsite backups that would have saved them, it's offline backups.
You can have all the data centers you want, but if they're all connected, then one ransomware attack can (and did) nuke them all.
If you have just one system that's unplugged with a copy of all the data, then your data will be fine. It's just time at that point, which could still be very very bad, but the data still exists.
Whew that sounds pretty bad.
*Danish hosting firms CloudNordic and AzeroCloud have suffered ransomware attacks.
During a data center migration, those servers were connected to the broader network, allowing the attackers to access critical administrative systems, all data storage silos, and all backup systems.
Danish media reports that the attacks have impacted "several hundred Danish companies" who lost everything they stored in the cloud, including websites, email inboxes, documents, etc.*
This is a company ender. How would you even come back from this?
Too many companies have stupid people running their IT department, stupid to the bone, thinking backups (on site and off site) are not important. This hosting company is prime example.
All customers too I bet.