More than 60% say the EU should strengthen its support for Ukraine and favor a ceasefire with Moscow, according to a survey in all 27 member states
Europeans view immigration with increasing suspicion. Seven out of 10 Europeans believe that their country takes in too many migrants, according to a survey carried out by BVA Xsight for ARTE Europe Weekly, a project led by the French-German TV channel ARTE GEIE and which EL PAÍS has participated in, as part of the countdown to the European elections in June.
The survey shows that 85% of respondents feel the European Union needs to take more action to combat irregular migration. And only 39% believe that Europe needs immigration today.
The countries where most people consider immigration a problem are Bulgaria (74% of respondents), the Czech Republic (73%), Hungary and Cyprus (68% in both cases). Paradoxically, in Italy, the European country where the largest number of immigrants entered irregularly last year (157,652), only 44% of respondents viewed it as a problem and only 14% saw it as the main problem. In Greece and Spain, the second and third countries with the most irregular arrivals in 2023, respectively, only 11% of respondents considered it the issue of most concern to them, below the European average of 17%. However, Greece is the country where the most people (90%) believe their country takes in too many migrants.
There are more things to a stable and sustainable society than economy.
With many European countries doing budget cuts to education, social security, healthcare etc many people are dissatisfied with their goverments. This can make it very hard to justify spending said budget on migrants or programs with aim to integrating migrants to the society.
All those countries also suffer from a huge demographic catastrophe coming in. Unless they get a massive amount of young immigrant workers to stabilise the social systems, those systems will collapse alltogether.
It's just that the austerity cuts on basic living necessities create more instability, for native-born and new members of a society. But that's probably the purpose, masses are easier to control when they struggle and are helpless
This is just bullshit. I'm sorry but it isn't true. The blanket statement for immigration being good is wrong.
Immigration can be good and it can be bad.
The problem is immigration is used as a huge catch all term. It's hardly ever "immigration from the EU" "Highly educated immigration".
If you look at the data, not just throwing out what makes you feel good, the actual data shows a lot of immigration is bad. Both the UK and Denmark has shown this recently.
The fact is we have been lied to over this. The government doesn't want to raise taxes to invest in locals and they want to keep wages down and house prices high. Immigration has net been a negative for the individual.
People wonder why so many are going to the far right. It's because the left and centre are trying to gaslight us into thinking something is true when it isn't.
My wife is an immigrant, pretty sure I can demonstrate multiple different ways how me (an individual) have received a net positive in my life because of her. Starting with big things like our children and ending with little things like how she helped me clean the house today.
Immigration is all about cheap labor. In the US there's a reason why so many seasonal workers come in illegally. It's because it's cheaper for the agricultural overlords and they make greater profits needing to pay undocumented workers less. Remember the money, it's always about the money.
The corporations want us to be xenophobic, they want us to hate "illegal aliens" for "stealing our jobs" because it allows them to continue to profit at record levels.
The EU has been hosting many immigrants for decades, and many have become citizens.
Surprisingly though,it seems that many EU citizens with a migration background, ( for example 1st and 2nd generation etc) in the EU vote against new immigrants.
They usually perceive it as a threat against their economic/housing/children's stability & future.
Italian here. It seems a very low percentage considering how big the immigration issue is perceveid on the media and in the political talks. It was also a big part of the campaign the led the right/center right to win the past elections.
It's a really different situation from America, where xenophobic stuff is concentrated in a very angry, specific slice of the population. It makes me wonder if the EU far-right is less emerging fascism, and more a return to East Asian-style policies, which might have been more natural all along in ancient (former and current) kingdoms.
Just a thought. I'm not even sure I believe it, let alone can prove it, so I guess as they say in Musk-land, "don't at me".
Yeah it's great. Just great. Until your government imports so many that you can't afford to live anywhere and can't pick up a second job because of all the doctors and engineers.
OK. What's your fix? Because as a person on the ground whats effecting me -right now- is so many people came that rent skyrocketed and they took all the weekend work "as students"