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  • i mean, provided you actually want to put in effort that's called "being a game designer", it's perfectly valid to not write code or create assets.

    • Asking for and/or expecting unpaid volunteers is most definitely not valid.

      If he wants to pay them properly, then I would agree.

  • Great idea, how about you describe it in so much minute details it bores your goddamn mind? Can't do it? Sorry, then you're not cut for being the idea guy, you're fired.

    If the fucker can't do the above, he's what programmers call a client: an asshole who thinks too highly of himself and his ideas and will annoy everyone every time he changes the goals.

  • After success with my senior project, developing a real game with a team of 15 that we're releasing on Steam, which I feel really good about, I crave the experience of working in a team to develop a game. But of course, my hobby project is a nonprofit endeavor so I can only expect volunteers, and even though I feel I can get the coding down mostly on my own, I feel like I might be asking too much by hoping for an artist or few to join with me... maybe I just need to change up my approach, and offer equal shares of creative control, that way it's not "help me make my game" so much as "join me and we'll make our game."

  • The same damn attitude of some “open source” projects looking for free labor, as if paid labor isn’t exploitative enough