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  • "The free exchange of communication and ideas, unrestricted by capitalist interference? Can't have that kind of evil in the world. Surely it's my duty to shut this down, so that others may come to know the flavor of corporate boot leather as well as I have."

  • This isn't an open ended question and as such doesn't belong on this community. You're welcome to continue the discussion over at !

    I'll lock the thread but not remove it so that you can see what has been said so far.

  • Damn, hackers are being really uncool towards Hopefully some good can come from this and they can implement robust security systems that help protect Lemmy instances from these types of attacks.

  • Someone or a group must have some hate towards Lemmy.World. Jeez.

    • I hate how these types of sad people with excuses for a life actually exist.

      I express no sympathy at all towards them because these are the people because of whom we can't have nice things, they are undeserving of sympathy.
      If they wanted my sympathy for their sociopathy they should go to therapy instead of wasting their time destroying everything that brings even the slightest amount of joy to others just because they can't feel joy themselves and can't handle other people and communities thriving.

      Fuck LMAO and his ilk.

  • Interesting. That explains it. I'm glad I decided to make another account over here where the sht just works. Seems to be less issues so far, is that other's experience as well?