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300k fake likes on a fake AI image

It looks like Meta is doing another innovation, where they don't give a fuck and show ads to millions of fake users who are doing obviously fake AI posts and to millions of obviously fake AI repliers to those fake AI posts, then charge the advertisers for those ads and laugh all the way to the bank.

  • Facebook is absolutely crawling with this shit. 5000 like posts on the most random shit but 0 hahas, There's not a goddamn thing on the internet that some haters won't haha react to.

    And you get like 3 posts from friends at the top, a few from groups, then literally every other post is "suggested for you" shit like this.Sometimes you get 2 or 3 in a row. It's a ducking crypt in there.

    Yes, the interney is flush with bots everywhere, but I haven't found any site that is as vad as Facebook. I quit that shit a month ago because my friends don't even post anymore and if they do, I don't see it. Just fake shit and ads and ads and ads.

  • Is there not enough real human suffering in the world to monetize? Fucks sake capitalists would even automate the job of dying in poverty if it meant a penny of profit.

  • zuckerberg is desperate to be the machine learning leader, facebook has like the most or second most A100s purchased from NVIDIA and he seems really obsessed with the idea of LlaMa being a GPT competitor.

    (i would wager oai's huge first mover advantage is too big to surpass for the time being, 'chatGPT' is synonymous with LLMs for laymen even though the model running it is practically obsolete at this point)