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  • I've been using a custom version of paleofetch for NixOS for a while, but I decided to write my own clone of neofetch in Rust when I heard about the archival just for fun.

    It has (or I suppose will have) parity with everything neofetch can output, supports dynamic plugins, is super fast bc compiled, and looks up information using asynchronous fetches. It's configurable via a config file (JSON) to choose what you want to show (I think this is better than using CLI options for this kind of app).

    I have the app's framework/architecture up and running, I just need to finish implementing the rest of the data lookup and add more distro logos.

    Once I get the data lookup feature complete, I'll make the repo public so people can add their distros' logos and use it, but I'm treating this as more of a pet project, so I doubt people will be that interested in using/contributing since plenty of other fetch programs exist, so I don't care if it lives or dies; it's just fun to make things :)

    Tenatively named fetch-rs, but I'm sure something like that already exists.

  • Wasn't screenfetch the thing neofetch was supposed to replace? Apparently it has more recent development activity (5 months ago), anyway...

  • I tried fastfetch which was very fast, but didn't work correctly for me. It told me I had 16 flatpaks installed, but I don't even have flatpak! On another preset it gave the wrong number of pacman packages installed. The coloured bars also rendered with visible seams in between because it uses characters instead of colouring the background. It also didn't show my terminal font at all. I can't open issues because I didn't bother to activate 2fa on my github account. I ended up writing a simple fetch for fun, it shows pacman and rust packages, learned a few things about terminal escape codes.

    • [...] I didn't bother to activate 2fa on my github account. I ended up writing a simple fetch for fun, ...

      I'm not judging, but reading those two lines back to back is pretty funny.

      Also good to know what causes those seams. I've noticed it in some consoles, but never bothered to check why exactly that is.

      • I guess that is pretty funny, didn't notice it while writing lol. When it comes to those seams, I think it depends on your font whether it will have seams or not. Colouring the background is more consistent in my experience.

  • If you are using Windows, you can use winfetch.