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Germany accuses Russia of cyberattack on governing party

A German government investigation, led by the Foreign Ministry, found that Russian hackers with state support targeted the Social Democratic Party in the governing coalition.

Germany accused Russia's military intelligence service, the GRU, on Friday of being behind a 2023 cyberattack that targeted the Social Democrats (SPD).

NATO member Germany has been among the Western nations providing military support to Ukraine as it fights a Russian invasion and there have also been recent accusations of increased espionage.

In June 2023, the SPD announced that cybercriminals had targeted email accounts belonging to its executives earlier that year.

"Today we can say unambiguously... we can attribute this cyber attack to a group called APT28, which is steered by the military intelligence service of Russia," she told a news conference during a visit to Australia.

APT28 is also known as Fancy Bear and is controlled by Russia's GRU military intelligence service. It has been accused of dozens of cyberattacks around the world.

  • Russia's trying super hard to re-occupy Germany, isn't it?

    • Russia is doing anything it can come up with to destabilize the world, especially in countries where Ukrainian aid is coming from.

      • That's exactly it and it's why I have enjoyed the last 2+ years of pushing my clients CyberSecurity to new levels. Every time I get one of them to plug a gap it's another tiny blow to Russia's efforts.