Turning good food into poop.
29 2 ReplyI too function this way! Hello human and/or other animal friend
10 0 Reply12 2 ReplyThank Mr Skeltal for poop calcium
7 0 Replyshitpost of the day
6 0 Reply
3 0 ReplyThis image is disturbing..... I can't wait to send it to my kids!
2 0 Reply
My purpose is to create excess value to be harvested by shareholders in exchange for numbers in a computer that define my worthiness to continue to exist.
22 0 ReplyI pass butter.
21 0 ReplyGoing the health route I see. Butter is very unhealthy just like monopoly's go .it's best just to pass it.
3 0 ReplyEating only lettuce and drinking 5L of water a day can also be unhealthy, just saying.
6 0 Reply
I ask people why they have a special butter tray in their fridge
3 0 ReplyIt keeps the butter hard and useless?
2 0 Reply
I think it's a category error to think of people as having (or having to have) a purpose. We just are.
15 0 ReplyPeople don't have to have a purpose : yes.
in such a situation, people still are : yes.Furthermore, any lists of purposes I may choose today, if situations changes, I could have to modify tomorrow.
2 0 Reply
To seek out the Holy Grail!
Oh, purpose? I thought you meant AAaaaahhhhhh....
13 0 ReplyI'm not sure. A friend was talking about how her partner had been doing ayahusca and it cured his depression and made his personality turn 180 degrees around. It inspired me to try it again. I was doing it 10 years ago and it changed how I view the world. Maybe it's time again.
Our purpose is to evolve from animal-like beings that copy crude animal behavior and take as much as we can for ourselves and stash it away, into confident, generous and happy human beings that are a joy to be around. Which is hard to do considering the society we live in, and the fake lack of resources (money) we are forced to comply with.
7 0 ReplyPassing the salt
1 1 Reply
To seek the Holy Grail.
7 0 ReplyWhat is your favorite color?
3 0 ReplyBlue. No, yellooOOOOOOOOW
2 0 Reply
Try as much as possible to find a hobby that sticks and brings joy.
6 0 ReplyDepression: Not if I have anything to say about it!
3 0 ReplyDamn, you didn't have to call me out like that xD
2 0 Reply
To make the world a better place.
6 0 Replykeep on keepin' on
6 0 ReplyTo keep my family as happy and healthy as possible, as long as possible.
6 0 ReplyThere's no purpose. Life is a sandbox video game. I play it how I want.
5 0 ReplyWork. Feed family. Take dumps. Repeat.
5 0 ReplyTo die, and do as little extra damage as possible until that point.
6 1 ReplyProcreate.
5 0 ReplyStopin myself from going off the deep end
5 0 ReplyA worthy cause - keep it up!
2 0 ReplyThanks for the positivity!
1 0 Reply
Have... a good time... all the time...
5 0 ReplyI'm an artist. My only purpose in life is to draw and create
4 0 ReplyI'm basically a rainbow colored punching bag waiting to be used by homophobes (and transphobes) who just happened to train for boxing.
My country is filled with these people.
4 0 ReplyTrying to figure that out now. Waiting on some epiphany
4 0 ReplyTrying to beat my brain into submission so I can sleep.
4 0 ReplyTake care of my family, and to fuck with people who have too much power or take advantage of other pet.
3 0 ReplyWriting books and getting people to read them.
3 0 ReplyI'm here to hopefully enjoy my time on this planet and help my wife do the same. That's about it.
3 0 ReplyAs small of an impact I may have, to make the world a better place. To learn and grow and experience the inevitable pain and hardships along the way. To learn to love and provide for those in need. To serve.
3 0 ReplyTo help defeat aging. Read the book Ending Aging by Aubrey de Grey.
3 1 ReplyShouldn't we wait just a touch longer for the Boomer phase-out?
3 1 Reply
Make sure my cat is taken care of, and hope I find a more complex purpose and goal before he's gone.
2 0 ReplyI have no objective purpose and I like it that way
2 1 ReplyI don't know. I just wait thing to happen. It is bored.
Why don't the world pick me as main character.
I guess i just an NPC. Perhaps the no-name NPC.
1 0 Reply0 0 ReplyBeing someone 99% of Lemmy users won't achieve in his miserable life hah
2 9 Reply