Apple working to fix alarming iPhone issue
Apple working to fix alarming iPhone issue

Users have been reporting unexpected lie-ins after the alarms on their phones failed to go off.

Apple working to fix alarming iPhone issue
Users have been reporting unexpected lie-ins after the alarms on their phones failed to go off.
For the click-bait avoiders: the issue the article mentions is that some iPhones' alarms aren't going off.
This has been an issue in the past for me as well, so I hope they fix it fully.
It's been a problem for years. I cannot use the standard bedtime alarm. From my experience, it seems it may be an issue if you have the "focus" change it's state at the same time as your alarm goes off.
I’ve had some failed alarms this week, my iPhone alarm had been fairly reliable before. Not sure why it’s suddenly gone awry.
Thankfully I have the bedroom lights set to turn on at the same time as the alarm is set, so I still get woken up. Yay home automation!
The best phone on the world. iPhone users don't need alarms anyways, i live better than my president