God, wouldn't that be nice?
God, wouldn't that be nice?
God, wouldn't that be nice?
Funny guy.
Couldnt resist.
But as for serious answer. The reality of premise posed by the post doesnt exist. People still consider Nazis to be bad. It just in this day and age the label nazi has become watered down and redundant. As for Actual nazi's which the closest we have to are currently North Korean,Chinese and russian governments.
So going by the premise the person thinks nazi's are a problem when chsnces are what he thinks are nazi's arent actual nazi's but people they dont like for reasons that arent nazi related but feels strongly about theu feel the need to make the comparison to poach the anger and concern reserved for that label and place it on their source of hate
Yeah, you're right, White Supremacy, alignment with authoritarian states, open disdain for the law, forcible sterilization of 'inferiors', rhetoric of paranoia and sadistic violence, and literal coup attempts aren't enough, I have to be choking on Zyklon B personally before I can call out Nazis. Very fine people, on both sides.
Bad bot
They are a bundle of nerves. There is no counter. They are just looking for an outlet.
As for conservative..huh alright let's play the guessing game. Found the redditor
"That’s a really dismissive way to say you have nothing at all"
so you run away like a coward.
Would telling a crazy person that they are crazy be of any use? There wouldn't even be any satisfaction in it.
The guessing game is fun since its amusing to get an insight into somone who lacks knowledge on the subject but is so overconfident they will make claims on the basis of an argument happening entirely in their heads rather then whats happening in reality. Pointing it out wont change anything either as as consumed as they are by keyboard warrior rage you will just run around this circle until you tire yourself out
Round and round the circle you go
When it will end only you will know