God, wouldn't that be nice?
God, wouldn't that be nice?
God, wouldn't that be nice?
Bring back video games where the developers make them to be fun and players play them to have fun.
Too many developers are in it for profit and too many players demand optimal competitive play.
Sometimes I don't want to conform to the min/max meta, Jason.
Been brought up before but the indie market still chugging along.
Now if you want big expensive AAA "bring my RTX / i9 I spent too much money on to it's very knees" with that, that's impossible. Besides, poor optimization will put that stupid expensive rig to the test 😂
it sounds like you're sleeping on indie games. I haven't cared about AAA games in years bc of the things you mentioned, but there's thousands of amazing and super high quality indie games out there that are made as passion projects from devs who just want people to have fun. the barrier to entry for becoming a game dev has been steadily lowering since the 80's, almost anyone can make a game now so there's really no reason to rely on giant game corporations as your only source
This month had two great releases in that regard, Baldur's Gate 3 and Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. Labor of love games are real and on the rise.
Totally agree but in many cases it's actually the publishers, not the developers. That's my understanding at least.
It's been happening for so long that if a developer gets into bed with one of the big publishers then they should know what's going to happen.
Pretty sure there are way more games now than they're ever has been. Look outside the major publishers. Any big company is going to be in it for the money. That's their main goal.
Fear of communism has fucked up the US in so many ways. Before the 80s, it was McCarthyism and putting "In God We Trust" on our money.
That was on our money by 1865.
If only Stalin were in charge. That guy would have actually built a wall instead of this pussy ass Trump shit. Comrade.
Stalin was ruthless, not stupid. He would have looked at the existing barriers and realized that it would be a waste of resources to try to build a wall in the middle of a desert.
Wolfenstein The New Order: Nice! Killing knot-zees like it's 1992!!
Wolfenstein II The New Collosus: what is this woke anti American shit/why can't we play as the real "good" guys
Gee. Somewhere between the release of these two games public opinion changed. The first came out in 2014, btw. The second's ad campaign had "Make America Nazi Free Again" as a slogan, something that id thought we'd all agree. Nazis were in that safe group of "enemies we can slaughter without guilt" alongside aliens, zombies and robots.
I got banned from reddit for saying: Wolfenstein The New Order is one of if not the best game of all time, the only good nazi is a dead nazi. GET HYPED!
I mean, I'm happy they had an implosion, but it should have been because of the nazi sympathy, not because of their api.
Getting banned for being a Basterd is a badge of honor my good person.
BJ Blazkowicz wants his scalps.
Well one cost “the right people” more money than they were willing to give and one didn’t. It’s almost like money doesn’t matter until it matters to the gawd, it sounds crazy to say it, it’s so dystopian, shadow governments’ corporate overlords. Lives otoh… shudder
New Colossus came out in 2017. We all know what happened that made being a fascist piece of shit mainstream.
The second's ad campaign had "Make America Nazi Free Again" as a slogan
Gee, that wouldn't happen to be a poke at a particular presidential campaign?
In that sense it's a perfect double bind
It can only piss off Nazi sympathizers tbh. I mean If you believed that America was going downhill and wanted to make it "great again" surely making it Nazi Free would be part of that goal right?
Unless... 🤔
LOL you ain't wrong. It's definitely very hard for what it is. I beat it in the Normal equivalent and had fun.
when it comes to woke its not what you see. But what you not see.
I would love old school arcades. I feel like, most people today just don't know what a wonderful place they used to be.
No stupid toys to win. No tickets. No tokens or any virtual currency.
Most games were a quarter with some of the larger ones being two quarters. You just hung out, played games, met new people, got to experience a wide range of games from shooters, side scroller fighters, sports, etc.
It was truly magical. Was one of the best things at the mall.
Go to a barcade? This concept still exists. It is just for adults now.
Most of them are free play with $20 entry. There are so many barcade near me - I don't even bother with the ones that charge quarters. It was a rip off back then, and it's still a rip off now
I'm old enough to remember when Republicans did an Obama Hitler image mash up to discourage liberals from voting for him.
Already evidence that they didn't understand what Hitler was and just symbolically associated black color with bad things.
They did what now?
Legit "Obama Hitler ad" on Google.
This entire "ANTI-WOKE" is just some bullshit that the most ignorant bigots hide behind thinking they can be as fucking awful as they want to be.
They've even brought back anti-gay with the anti-trans thing under the old "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" banner which is pure bullshit.
It really seemed for a good 10-15 years that that shit was conquered.
These morons hide their racism by scoffing at anything with a non-white person in it with the label "POC".
The funniest thing is, they think their fucking clever and they use 1950's housefrau shit like "DENGENERATE" and other outmoded bullshit words.
They make fun of the left for being triggered by their own shadows(which does happen) but these morons are scared of anything not white and not straight, it's really awful but kind of funny in a sick way.
Anti-woke is just another word for brain damaged
It’s almost like a spectrum with anything outside what I’m comfortable with is where I draw the line, especially if I’m dabbling or experimenting with anything that makes me vaguely uncomfortable, because what I’d people get the wrong idea that I’m “that,” isn’t it? The slider moves, everyone!
Don't know about USA, but in Germany the inflationary use of "Nazi" by leftists weakened the term a lot. So if someone is called a Nazi, you don't have to assume anymore it's a bad person. I believe it will be impossible to turn that back.
See https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concept_creep and https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aap8731
in Germany the inflationary use of “Nazi” by leftists weakened the term a lot
Excited to hear more about the big leftist media outlets that have dominated Germany for the last sixty years.
Damn this mf spittin.
Ahhh is it a US type situation over there as well? Nothing but right wing media in sight. At least when talking about all mainstream media.
I agree it used to mean actual, armband wearing, genocide creating, goose stepping evil people that started WWII.
Yes today there are still people who somehow support that shit with the books, flags, tats and armbands to prove it. There is a term for it. Neo Nazi. If you want Nazis to punch these are it, though it might not make them any less of one.
Now by that standard is Trump a Nazi? No. But some throw the term around to essentially mean group=bad. The left crazies do it with nazi, the right crazies do it with communism. Over time it loses meaning to the point where nobody takes it seriously. Boy who cried wolf. The way to stop that is to only use the term on the real people, not the kinda sorta if you squint your eyes it's similar in a way people. Not to say they they aren't assholes or don't deserve to be called out by other terms..
Anyway yes people hate the real deal Nazis, but probably not every group someone on twitter slaps that label on to. End rant.
Also terms like "grammar Nazi" is helping to weaken the seriousness of the word.
In Denmark people sometimes use it to say that somebody is quite particular about something (similar to "grammar Nazi") like " yeah, he's kinda Nazi about people not wearing shoes in his apartment" I don't know if that's common in other countries too? But it's definitely weakening the gravity of the word 'nazi".
Similer circumstance in russia. Where everyone bad and aganist russia is a nazi. Ukraine needing dezafication. Etc since from their perspective its only ever been Nazi's they had no red scare since they were the red scare
And I'm here wondering if Godwin's idea came because he saw something like this and wanted to stop it or if he saw an opportunity to silence criticism of Nazi-like strategies.
And I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad that we're in a post-Godwin world now. On the one hand, it was a dumb "rule" because there's certainly times where Nazi comparisons are apt. But on the other hand, we only got post-Godwin because Nazi ideas have regained enough popularity that some are openly embracing the label.
It's exactly the same here in the US. Anyone right of Bernie Sandars was called a Nazi for a few years there (happens less today, but still happens), so now when someone shouts nazi, everyone just rolls their eyes.
I don't roll my eyes, I just ask what precisely they mean when they say Nazi, and usually precisely what they mean by whatever word they use in that response with a flexible definition. Because it could literally be anything between "murder anyone who isn't straight, white and Christian" and "not as progressive as Biden".
Ramifications of failures from education systems throughout the U.S.
Can't be surprised that no one articulates themselves properly when the only things most of these people read are less than 150 characters at a time.
Didn't Chris Matthews have a meltdown during the 2020 primaries when Bernie won Nevada, because he thought the DSA was going to round people up and execute them in Central Park?
It also happens the other way: Sanders, Cortez are called socialists, and even refer to themselves as socialist. Neither are anything of the sort.
Image Transcription:
X/Twitter post by user Eric Alper @ThatEricAlpher reading: What thing from your teenage years do you think should make a comeback?
Reply by user Geraldine @everywhereist reading: The prevailing belief that Nazis are bad.
[I am a human, if I’ve made a mistake please let me know. Please consider providing alt-text for ease of use. Thank you. 💜]
Good human!
Thank you, fellow human! 🤖
No one relevant is pro-nazi.
Trump has been explicitly pro-Mussolini in a number of interviews.
I would've said Heelies, but I guess that's good too.
I'd like this AND "Getting banned from a website requires you to draw unnecessary attention to yourself through misbehavior"
Yes I am STILL salty about the Reddit ban!
Don't worry, this is only your FIRST ban in this beautiful and blessed Web 3.0 landscape. 😀
If I lose Discord I'm killing myself
Most of my bans from Reddit subs were for things like posting on a different sub or my favorite "egregious immorality" (mostly because that one was from a sub you wouldn't expect it from).
What finally got you the site wide?
An overall disdain for anything too trendy or popular.
My teenage family members live and die by the trend cycle. Teenagers have always cared about what's cool, but now the trend cycle is so fast it's impossible to keep up without spending inordinate amounts of money and generating tons of waste. It also just doesn't seem great for their self-esteem.
I was a teen in the mid-2000s/early 2010s hipster Tumblr era, which of course came with its own issues. But at least the trend cycle took a few years, and if anything I liked was unpopular I could just roll my eyes and say it's just too obscure for you normies to understand.
I wouldn't be concerned about trending itself, it's that people seem to be favoring trends that are objectively bad. The pandemic people kept saying it wasn't real and would go away when summer of 2020 came... but that proved wrong, and so few seem to want to learn from the lesson of going against science in favor of Fox News or whatever other negative trend that crowds keep following. If we were trending towards building affordable houses for more people and sheltering the homeless and not making rent lock people into jobs they don't want - I'd thing it was progress. But right now, the crowds seem to be flocking to some negative-oriented Nazi kind of shit.
so true, everyone love nazis now!
Half the country, it would seem.
absolutely, you can't turn over a rock without hearing a republican talk about how much they LOVE nazis!
TIL we all live in the same country and half of, whatever this country is, are Nazis.
Nazis, I hate these guys. - Indiana Jones
That never left
"They love what I have to say, they just don't like the word Nazi"
We need the mullet to come back.
Move to Chief land Florida, Home of the Mullet. It's beautiful if you don't mind the heat.
idk where you're at but some version of the mullet, or "flow," made a comeback a decade ago in my home city.
absolutely has made a comeback 😎
Hope for the future.
I wonder why this is nsfw ?
The Toadies and Better than Ezra
Top comment is about games.
The left is calling the right nazis.
The right is calling the left nazis.
The nazis first endorsed Trump when it was against Hillary, then Biden against Trump.
These are confusing times,but rest assured that the prevailing belief is that nazis are bad.
Low effort repost aside.
That hasnt changed if it had it wouldn't be used as a stick to beat people with.
Problem is the definition of nazi has changed due to said stick beating
It did. White supremacy is alive and well in the US. Yes it always existed, but these days Nazis sympathisers can show their allegiance in public. That wasn't the case 20-30 years ago.
I used to think it was better when people are open about ego they are, and it may be; but since campaign cycle of 2015, it seems very much worse.
Alive yes.
Well? Fuck no lol. What is your definition of well? You specified the US. What policy,government institutions, organisations,condone white surpremacy? The closest thing you have that promotes white supremacy is critical race theory an idea that white people are inherently superior thus the need to uplift other races. A pretty awful thing to be sure but that is being met with widespread condemnation and active suppression. So another loss for WS.
As for showing their allegiance uh yeah thats always been a thing. You can go back ever further then 30 years when America had an actual nazi party. They didnt get very far cause ya know nazi's
Well, that's what happens when you hyperbolically mislabel your political opponents as Nazis. Suddenly, half the country is Nazis because they don't want unlimited and unfiltered immigration.
If people accuse you of being a nazi, you either are one or you associate with them
That being said, I wouldn't call present day Republicans nazis. That's a very specific brand. Wannabe fascists and totalitarians on the other hand, definitely. And not because of their stance on immigration.