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    • A Serbian film is tops for me. I watched it on my day off while my 2 year old daughter was taking her mid-day nap and when she woke up I couldn't bring myself to pick her up out of the crib. I just felt too compromised by what I had just put into my eyes to touch her for a while.

  • It depends on your definition but Visitor Q by Takashi Miike would probably offend most people. His other films can be rather out-there too.

    Also the splatterpunk films of Yoshihiro Nishimura rank high. If you want a distilled taste, see "Z is for Zetsumetsu" in ABCs of Death. Otherwise, try Tokyo Gore Police.

    Tetsuo: The Iron Man actually caused me to have palpitations, and it's rare I have such a physical reaction to a film.

    And that's just Japan, you could always try something like Adam Chaplin.

    However, they tend to be so over-the-top that they are entertaining. If you want to watch something that's an ordeal to get through then you could start with the August Underground films. There are others in the same vein like Tumbling Doll of Flesh or Guinea Pig: Flowers of Flesh and Blood. You can then grub around looking for similar films as there's always someone out there trying to be more appalling. However, it's not really my cup of tea - the worst I've seen in the cinema is probably Necromantic last Valentine's Day, which got quite a few walk-outs, although my main issue was it seemed far too loud.

  • For me it was "Dear Zachary". Mostly because it's a documentary, not because it's gory or anything. It's just a heart wrenching documentary.

  • Hostel probably isn't the most fucked-up movie I've watched, but it's the one that affected me most strongly. I felt physically sick during the scene where ::: spoiler spoiler the children kill the bait girl. ::: Haven't watched a gory movie since.

  • You guys know something about ponies? Imagine those, but shaped as humans. That idea basically horrified me so much that I decided the entire franchise it was a part of was not worth my time.

    I am of course talking about Equestria Girls.