What's the most fucked up movie you ever watched?
What's the most fucked up movie you ever watched?
What's the most fucked up movie you ever watched?
Requiem for a Dream is an incredibly powerful film that is worth watching once, then never again.
Also, the soundtrack is absolutely banging
One of my all time favorite movies, but yeah it's fucked up.
I've seen most of the movies mentioned here 🫠
IMHO, A Serbian Film and Human Centipede 2 have some of the most disturbing scenes I've ever seen. Realizing that they are made for shock value kind of make them laughable though.
SALO is often mentioned in lists of fucked up movies, but it's really not much. There's some poop eating, light rape and someone's tongue is pulled/cut out. It might have been shocking back in the day.
Irreversible made me feel nauseous and had an unsettling feeling from start to end. (Made me vary about Climax, which kind of have a similar feel, but is only fucked up to a much smaller degree). That one for too long scene that just foes on forever makes it the most disturbing film I have ever watched.
Heriditary has some fucked up scenes too and truly scared me. (But Midsommar bearly made an impression on me. Bearly).
Requiem for a Dream made me feel bad about drugs.
Bone Tomahawk kind of seems like an average action/adventurish movie in a western setting until... stuff happens.
Also worth a mention are Martyrs, Ôdishon, The Woman, Inside, The Girl Next Door (not the comedy) and either versions of Funny Games.
May have forgotten some.
(I have no plans to watch any of the Terrifier movies).
Edit: Totally forgot The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things somehow. Man, that is one fucked up movie. "Play with me Daddy".
Martyrs (assuming you mean the original) I found fascinating. While it may not be particularly deep, at least there was a point to it, even if that point is all encompassing nihilism.
For me, that is the point in horror as a genre, to confront you with philosophy. Zombie movies aren't really about zombies, etc...
IMHO, A Serbian Film and Human Centipede 2 have some of the most disturbing scenes I've ever seen. Realizing that they are made for shock value kind of make them laughable though.
...which is why I agree with you completely here, they are just gore for the sake of gore. The best bit about HC2 is how HC exists as a film within it, which opens the possibility that it's also a part of St Elsewhere.
Fun story, Salo was required reading (I guess watching?) for a few friends of mine at uni on different courses. I guess the lecturers were having fun messing with freshers. I already had a copy (ahoy) and was known as "the guy that watches weird films" so I ended up being a watch buddy for various people who really, really, didn't like gore. I ended up dating one of them for a bit, which was always a fun "how did you meet?" story.
Bone Tomahawk, heh, very few of us knew what we were getting into when we started watching. My partner went to bed and I just put something on. “Oh, look, a western. This should be nice and light”
Same here. I love a good western, so this caught me by surprise as I didn't check the name of the movie beforehand.
I immediately recognized the name from the "most fucked up movies" lists that litter the web.
I'd love to compare lists of (potentially) disturbing movies. Feel free to message me if you'd like.
Also the first Terrifier (although called something else I think?) was shitty (in my opinion) and I didn't finish it. Haven't tried the others.
Edit: Sorry everyone, as someone below pointed out, the above opinion is based on "all hallows eve" not Terrifier 1. My mistake. I'm gonna give both another try though.
I found Terrifier and its sequel to be pretty good for what it is. A violent modern take on the classic slasher movies. It's schlocky, but that's because slasher movies are a bit schlocky.
The actor does a great job hamming it up and making it all a bit more than a classic slasher, too, entertainment wise. If he tried to play it more serious scary clown style, it'd probably have faceplanted for me.
I've watched most of them as well, and Irreversible was the worst for me, somehow, even though its subject matter isn't really as bad as some of the others.
The way too long and hyper realistic R scene is definitely a big part of it, but the movie also assaults you subconsciously throughout the whole thing. The soundtrack is full of low frequencies that are known to give people nausea and anxiety, and the constant strobe lights also just make it hard to even sit through the quiet scenes.
It is a punishing watch. Wouldn't want to watch it again.
Grave of the Fireflies. Not the same type of fucked up, but I don't want to watch it again!
I watched it as a teenager and cried heavily.
This was during the era where we saw beheading videos, two girls one cup, all sorts of rotten shit. And a anime made me break down.
Very well done. I loved it but won't watch it again
Old Boy is a movie that constantly has you on edge because you can tell something is going horribly wrong, but you’re not sure what it is. Once you find out, the whole thing is fucked six ways to Sunday.
Yep, this is the one I came to see was posted. I watched it only knowing "something really wrong" was around the core of the movie, but nothing more. When you learn what's up... god damn. It's not the goriest or scariest or anything like that, but it is the one that will just make you go "what in the actual fuck" more than any movie I've ever seen.
Yup, first thing that came to mind
The original Korean Old Boy from 2003 was pretty fucked up. Great watch but the ending was uh... Yeah. Kinda messy.
A Serbian film is tops for me. I watched it on my day off while my 2 year old daughter was taking her mid-day nap and when she woke up I couldn't bring myself to pick her up out of the crib. I just felt too compromised by what I had just put into my eyes to touch her for a while.
There's a movie called A Serbian Film that will make the everyday person lose their marbles. Not my friend apparently, he's like "come on in and watch this movie with me that I'll proceed to use to test my manliness". So me and my other friend walk in to him sitting in a dull pebble chair about to consume a bowl of carolina reapers as his "movie snack". She could not sit through the first segment, and I think I had trouble halfway through, but there he is, just absorbing what everyone says is the most graphic movie of all time.
I must admit, I laughed at the final scene - the whole film came off as trying too hard to be edgy and it tipped over into stupidity. Also the ending is very like that of ::: spoiler spoiler Kill List :::
Which did it better.
Came here to say this. Watched the film 30 mins, then 30 mins off, another 30 mins film and so on, could not do it otherwhise
Cannibal Holocaust (1980), Eraserhead (1977), Underground (1995), The Holy Mountain (1973), Salò or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975), Ichi the Killer (2001), Inside (2007)
Recently, I watched and really liked the japanese movie Ritual (2000).
I watched all of the above with awesome German dub.
I came here to say Cannibal Holocaust. That movie fucking traumatized me.
Some honorable mentions: Under the Skin 2013 The Witch 2015 The Neon Demon 2016
Ichi the Killer was mostly just weird. Takashi Miike does strange movies that don't always/usually make a lot of sense.
I haven’t seen anyone mention Come and See yet, so that one.
I haven't seen Come and See and based on what I've read I'm not really inclined to.
You're missing out.
It's not an easy watch but it's worth it, unlike some of the other movies mentioned here the shock factor is necessary to tell the story and it's a story worth experiencing.
Super is a movie that was fucked up largely because you don't actually expect it to commit so hard to the premise.
Amazing movie though, one of my favorites. A lot of famous people starring as well, especially for such an unknown movie.
Man no one I talk to has ever seen this movie. The last like 30 minutes are so crazy, I loved it.
Threads (1984)
Want to see a movie that breaks from the typical happy ending trope? Right here.
The fault in our stars
What an absolutely awful movie. I was prepaired to shed a tear but I wasn't expecting it to ruin my entire week. I wish I had never seen it.
The book was so much better.
I mean, it’s YA so it’s not exactly literary gold. But it was better than the movie by far.
This one is hard to top because of newborn porn but martyrs is a close second to me.
The Girl Next Door (2007) Is a true story about an abused girl. Very disturbing
Never made it to the end. Just couldn't.
It depends on your definition but Visitor Q by Takashi Miike would probably offend most people. His other films can be rather out-there too.
Also the splatterpunk films of Yoshihiro Nishimura rank high. If you want a distilled taste, see "Z is for Zetsumetsu" in ABCs of Death. Otherwise, try Tokyo Gore Police.
Tetsuo: The Iron Man actually caused me to have palpitations, and it's rare I have such a physical reaction to a film.
And that's just Japan, you could always try something like Adam Chaplin.
However, they tend to be so over-the-top that they are entertaining. If you want to watch something that's an ordeal to get through then you could start with the August Underground films. There are others in the same vein like Tumbling Doll of Flesh or Guinea Pig: Flowers of Flesh and Blood. You can then grub around looking for similar films as there's always someone out there trying to be more appalling. However, it's not really my cup of tea - the worst I've seen in the cinema is probably Necromantic last Valentine's Day, which got quite a few walk-outs, although my main issue was it seemed far too loud.
Phil Tippett's Mad God. It took the man like ~30 years to make the most fucked up, fever dream of a stop motion movie. I don't know what would be worse, watching it sober or high on anything.
I like to imagine, that like Stephen King, he did some wild drugs. But instead of writing a book and moving on, he just kept getting absolutely zooted for 30 years until this movie was done. Because that is the only reason that would justify that movie's creation.
Martyrs was brilliant as well, not just fucked up like a lot in this thread!
Audition (1999)... I haven't watched it in 20 years but holy shit it is definitely in my collection of scary memories
That scene where she's using the accu-puncture needles on him gives me chills to this day, it was tough to get through back then
Kids. Saw it years ago. No interest in ever setting it again.
The Naked Lunch is a stout contender IMHO.
Come and See is up there. Kids as well.
Come and See was trauma inducing
Kids was fucked.
I Spit On Your Grave was dark as fuck, Them, and something about an Australian road train that drove itself. I think it might have been called Road Train. It was very weird.
It was, in fact, called Road Train. I enjoyed that one.
I enjoyed it, just the ending freaked me out a bit.
For me it was "Dear Zachary". Mostly because it's a documentary, not because it's gory or anything. It's just a heart wrenching documentary.
Its also full of distortions, its far from accurate if you look into it
Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom
The Wall
Hostel probably isn't the most fucked-up movie I've watched, but it's the one that affected me most strongly. I felt physically sick during the scene where ::: spoiler spoiler the children kill the bait girl. ::: Haven't watched a gory movie since.
A Serbian Film, but I don't really remember it now. Oh, and the masturbation short film in the ABCs of Death.
I think it was "The number PI" or what the movie was called. Very schizophrenic, including lobotomy.
The title is just "Pi", and it's by Darren Aronofsky, who has gone on to create a number of excellent movies.
As far as I can tell no one has mentioned American History X yet. That is a powerful (but fucked up) movie.
Saw that in the cinema and went into real (medical) physical shock at the kerb-stomping scene. I'd never thought of or seen that before. Holy crap, it shook me for hours after as I warmed up again, etc.
Saw it in the cinema and it's the only time I've come out of a movie to dead silence, everyone just walking out in silent shock
Probably Mordum since it was
Had a dude get his dick cut off
Ah, takes me back to the days of the early Internet, where you couldn't really be sure if you were going to get that video of a cute kitten playing with a butterfly or... that.
I forgot about August Underground!
“The trio are next shown playing in the snow, attending a concert, meeting up with friends, raping a woman, and going to a piercing shop, where”
Baby Reindeer. Not a movie, 7 episodes, but one of the more fucked up things I've seen in a while.
You guys know something about ponies? Imagine those, but shaped as humans. That idea basically horrified me so much that I decided the entire franchise it was a part of was not worth my time.
I am of course talking about Equestria Girls.
Once we were warriors. Great disturbing moving film
Edit: Apparently there's a remake so I should precise that it's the movie from 1997.
I didn't know there was a remake. Thanks, I'll check it out.
I didn't mind the sequel but the third film, cube zero, was crap.
Yeah, the others were unremarkable but the first one made an impression on me.
Nah. Great movie, but there are so many which are more fucked up.
the question was asking for personal opinion
House of Doors by Brian Lumley is a similar tale, I thought was more entertaining as well (book, not a movie)
The Skin I Live In, Antonio Banderas, he's a surgeon and it seems there's a woman trapped in his house?
Also, basically any Haneke movie, Funny Game, Benny's Video, L'Amour.
The Skin I Live In was SOOOO good. I predicted where it was going to go incorrectly like three times. Did NOT aspect what it delivered.
Honestly, I didn't see it coming and I was really impressed by the end. I didn't know if I enjoyed the movie until two weeks later. I think it threw me in for a loop for a while where I just kept thinking about it (I think that's what good art does).
I settled on it being a great movie and that I wanted to talk to someone about, but I couldn't recommend (due to the subject matter and my lack of being able to provide a good description) :P
Can't remember the movie but it had someone get kidnapped by a group of cannibals or something and they kept them alive while chopping body parts of and cauterizing the wound, eating them slowly over time to keep them fresh. Don't think I was able to finish it.
Sounds like The Road a bit. Never saw the movie but read the book and JFC
Brazil. That's one fucked up movie.
It's Trazil. And yeah
Really? I've been saying it wrong for decades? Shit.
Compliance stands out to me as something I watched and vowed never to watch again.
I struggle with those kind of themes. Anything involving rape or sexual violence.
obviously not a fucked up film, but Priscilla Queen of the Desert has one scene involving gay bashing makes the film too hard to sit through for me.
The Room, easily.
Oh hi Mark!
It's bullshit. *nonchalantly and no situational awareness, tosses a water bottle in a random direction. **random offscreen voice "Ow! Hey!"
I saw Baise Moi (Kiss/Rape Me) in a theatre just before it was banned. I was not expecting that
This is about the same time that Kids, Gummo, Happiness, and the Brown Bunny were all released.
Each film is fucked up for its own reasons. Though, I understand, Salo and A Serbian Film are next level fucked up.
Happiness is one I've been wanting to revisit for some reason. Perhaps to show to my wife, who has never seen any Todd Solondz.
For me, it's a 3 way tie between Tusk, Teeth, and Boxing Helena
Boxing Helena definitely gets very creepy and doesn't need gore to get there.
One that wasn't mentioned here is Enter the Void. The opening credits soften you up for a trippy voyage.
I describe that movie to people as "The entire movie is filmed in one continuous shot from the first person perspective of the main character. Which is interesting because he dies 10 minutes in."
I love that movie
I was thinking about this film, but I have seen one more film that was much more fucked up. I really enjoyed this movie, but it was extremely disturbing.
Of the three films I’ve seen by this Director (Gaspar Noé), it’s the only one I can actually sit through. I think it’s other films are kind of crappy.
I saw that for the first time tripping on acid! I never wanted it to end.
"Scream and Scream Again", 1970.
Our parents dropped us off at the theater to see something else, like "The Love Bug", but it had moved on and we randomly ended up seeing this horrifying film.
We were not ready for dismemberment and dissolving bodies in vats of acid...
Ohh, I can give you a list to the most disturbing movies I ever watched, its 100 movies. But to answer your question I can say it's "A Serbian Film" from 2010, "Martyrs" from 2008. Worth to mention "Irreversible" from 2002
I almost couldn't finish Irreversible.
I'd love to see the list. I'd be happy to provide you with some I've seen (if they're not on your list).
Here it is https://www.imdb.com/list/ls545546942/ , I wil update it with the rest, need to go now
Sure, I will created an imdb list.
I recommend you to watch one of the director's earlier movies, Dogtooth, that was the best movie he has made and I'm pretty sure anyone enjoying Lobster will like that one too.
Thank you for the recommendation! I may check it out cause just as weird as I found Lobster, I still thought it was unique and the story was interesting. I can go for film makers putting themselves out there to show compelling stories that differ from most! Dogtooth, hmm. I'll have to see if I can track it down.
Such a weird fucking movie. Still have no clue what it was about.
Watching it while high is ill-advised, also. I think it's about a lobster, though!
Human Centipede,
that shit is banned in a few countries for a reason..
Plenty of "this is gross or terrifying or..." type answers. How about Sorry to Bother You because it's one of the most "what the fuck" turns in the later act. Seriously, I never, ever saw that coming.
Antichrist broke me
The bloody handjob scene was awful, and I will never look at rusty scissors the same way. Parts of that movie made me physically ill.
Also on the list for me is Bad Boy Bubby.
Yeah. That movie made me not want to watch another movie by Lars von Trier, ever.
ichi the killer. couldn't make it past the first few minutes