A man wielding a sword attacked members of the public and police officers in an east London suburb, killing a 13-year-old boy and injuring four others, authorities said.
King Charles III said his thoughts and prayers were with the family of the young victim, and he saluted the courage of emergency workers, Buckingham Palace said.
"King Charles III" still sounds so weird to me. The last story I ran across with his name in it was about either Ireland or Scotland, I can't remember which, and it took me longer than I care to admit to realize it wasn't some sly Jacobite comment.
Do note that the guy used a sword and as such only managed to cause very few victims. HE DID NOT USE A FUCKING GUN BECAUSE IN THE UK YOU CANNOT EASILY GET ONE YOU DAFT PRICK.
Gun laws work.
If you point instead was to show that we have people with mental issues in other countries too then no shit, sherlock.
This many victims they still call a 'mass' shooting over here. It gets more clicks and you all buy it because everyone loves a chance to point out what they do better than the big kid in the room.
"Thoughts and prayers" seems to have crossed the pond. I genuinely hope they are more useful over there, because they are absolutely worthless here and usually indicate that nothing of consequence will be done about the matter.