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Are you an intrinsically or extrinsically motivated gamer?

I've always found myself bouncing off hard on "make your own fun" type games like Minecraft or the newer Zeldas. This extends to any type of game that has no clear goals or motivators.

Turns out I'm just an extrinsically motivated gamer. For me, it's about the destination, not the journey. I enjoy games that keep me going with rewards promised at each step of the way. When given the choice to be creative with the tools I'm given, I'll just find the most efficient way of getting it done.

I'd like to hear what type of gamers y'all are. What type of games bring you joy?

  • I almost exclusively play games where I can set my own goals, or do my own thing, or experiment. I also gravitate towards immersive games. I assume that means I'm more intrinsic?

    I really don't like games that treat leveling as an obstacle to the "real game.". Makes it seem pointless.

  • I most like sandbox games that allow me to do the journey my way. I very rarely do anything the optimal way.

    Often if I am playing a linear game people will get frustrated with my because I'll pass on a better weapon because I like the one I currently have. They say take that sword it's better but I'm not playing the game to reach the end. I don't care if a better weapon makes it easier I want a cool sword that fits my playstyle and that I have fun using.

  • I kind of feel bad for people who are only motivated by things like trophies, or feeling the need to 100% a game. If I'm not enjoying a game, I'm not going to force myself to play it longer because of some strange need inside me to 100% complete every game I start. If I don't like playing a game, I will just stop playing it.

  • Somewhere in between, I like having something to work towards but I also enjoy making my own fun along the way.

    It also depends on my mood, sometimes I want to min max something, sometimes I just want to cruise around in GTA and check places out.

  • Definitely extrinsically. In a lot of those super open games, I get just completely overwhelmed by choice, don't know where to go or what to do, and give up. I've tried twice to play Breath of the Wild and I just can't. Give me a linear experience any time.

  • I feel you on the destination. Don't get me wrong, I want all the side quests, but open world games don't tickle my fancy. Give me arcade games, karting, platformers, metroidvanias, old Zelda games any day of the week.

  • I lean toward the "here's a goal, good fucking luck getting there" types of games, but I sometimes play more open-ended games like Cataclysm: DDA and Dwarf Fortress. Currently I've been binging Vechs' Super Hostile Minecraft maps, which I guess offer a fusion of both?

  • Honestly depends, for minecraft I need goals, I need a motive (ie modded quest books). Satisfactory is one game where I can just wander around and collect things to get to the next big thing.