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  • I am not in the tech field but I love coding and learning new languages. I have for the last 25 years. When my actual (blue collar) profession starts feeling drab or boring my mind naturally starts drifting to find some problem to solve or some way of automating things just to keep me happy and engaged.

    Batch scripts on MS/DOS, my first (floppy disk installed) Slackware box. REXX in OS/2. I worked through the animal books and played with Java, Perl, C - actually building tools that work and accomplish things.

    Diving in to a new language or project is like discovering a new author you didn't know about and the hours of joy it will bring me are fantastic and fulfilling. I guess you could say my hobby is learning.

    I wrote a great iOS app to help me with things in my job and I use it all the time which saves me literally hours, making my work happier and more profitable. Best hobby ever and totally cheap too!

  • I sew. Specifically, I love sewing stuffed animals.

    As a kid, I always wanted those giant stuffed animals, but it just wasn't meant to be. Now I can make pretty much whatever I want!

    I love the colors, the feel of the fabrics.. but my favorite part is seeing my 2D drawings get turning into a tangible 3D object! Plus, it makes kids go "WHOOOOAAA" or smile or laugh when they see what I make. That really can't be beat!

  • Retro computing. Programming things like a Commodore 64 in Assembly on the machine. It's a wonderful experience and pretty removed from modern programming.

  • Playing Music! I'm a guitarist primarily, but I've gained a diverse set of instruments over the years. I recently picked up an Accordion, they're a lot of fun!

  • Barbershop quartet singing (ala The Barbershop Harmony Society). Instant friends and such satisfaction to hear yourself lending a note into four-part chords. (It's the basis of my username.)

  • Cooking in general, and baking in particular. It is actual fun for me, and is actually stress relief as well, because it allows me creative freedom in a medium that I apparently have natural talent in. I make my own bread every week for sandwiches, bake snacks for my weekly board game meetup, volunteer to make birthday cakes for friends and family, and give out giant boxes of cookies every Christmas. I am always inventing and researching new recipes, converting recipes to accommodate various dietary needs, and trying to find ways to use ingredients I have lying around in a way that will ensure I don't have food going to waste. There is nothing better to me than when I figure out what each recipe needs at each step and why, and watching it all come together.

    I grew up learning to bake from my grandmother, and I inherited her passion and apparently her natural talent for it. I have a lot of recipes memorized, can eyeball teaspoon and tablespoon measures of ingredients with good accuracy, and can somehow get anywhere from 5-10% more out of any given recipe. If a cookie recipe makes 5 dozen I get 6 or 7, even if I am not skimping on size. If I make bread, it rises quicker and larger, even if it is cold. Making cake, I always have extra batter for a couple of cupcakes. It works out though, because I can taste test everything and throw any extra cookies in the freezer so that way I am better prepared for Christmas.

    It is always amazing to see someone's face light up when they get baked goods they love, especially if their diets mean they don't often get to enjoy them. For example, several of my friends have Celiac, and seeing how happy they are to get things like butter cookies, crinkly-top brownies, or gingerbread is just amazing. It is an easy way to make people feel included and happy, and I get to have fun in the kitchen while doing it.

  • Video games

    I like different video games for different reasons, but good gameplay is key. I enjoy some games because they're high octane, stressful, fast, engaging. But I also enjoy some games where basically nothing happens for long stretches. I loved walking around an empty world in Death Stranding listening to nice music just as much as I enjoyed brutally murdering demons to ardjent metal in Doom 2016.

    Scale modeling, and miniature painting

    I like making cool stuff. There really isn't much more to it. I have a little knack for it, and the patience to do it, and I enjoy the process. I do display my work but don't use it for anything, or come back to admire it. I just like making stuff, and this hobby is my outlet for creativity.

    House plants

    I used to be a bit more into this than I am now, but I still have about 30 houseplants, most of which are small. I liked getting the cool decorative stuff, and I like the color green. I grew fancy chilies a few times because I liked the reward of getting something out of my time and work. It's not a super high-effort hobby, and I can recommend it for people with not a lot of time on their hand. You can just grow stuff in pots and buckets. Just make sure to get stuff you have time for, and don't take it too harsh when something dies.

  • Writing. I used to write short stories but recently I've begun work on a novel.

  • Gaming - everyone here has pretty much said what could be said about this one. I always liked doing things, so i find it more fun than movies

    MMA - I like to punch and grab. that's it. it's just kinda fun for the sake of it. I recommend it if anyone is looking for a cool hobby to get active with

    blender grease pencil - if they made a sequel to drawing it would be the grease pencil in blender. it can completely blur the lines between 2d, 3d, and polygonal models. I ain't good at it yet, but i like to think one day I'll use it to animate something pretty neato

  • Cosplay- I am a big movie nerd, and love movie props, scifi and fantasy armor and weapons specifically, and making them is so cool to me. Beyond that I do community events (kids hospital visits, parades, star wars nights at sporting events, museums, etc) and interacting with kids who genuinely believe I'm the character I'm portraying is loads of fun, and seeing their smiles is a fantastic feeling.

    Tabletop games- for war games I'm actually more into the painting aspect, it's so relaxing and cathartic, to put on an audio book or podcast and just paint for an hour or two is a huge stress relief, and now that I've gotten into DnD, the creative aspect. DMing is loads of fun as well. I keep a small notebook on me at all times now to jot down ideas I have throughout the day, even if I don't use them, it's still nice to get the ideas out and have them available for later.

    I've gotten into 3d printing as a result of the other two hobbies, and it isn't particularly fun, but is an incredible tool, and so I would consider it fun because of the output. I can start with an idea, and for a few dollars and hours I can have a new prop or mini without having to put on pants or leave the house. It's the coolest thing.

  • I recently got back into collecting physical comics as a hobby. It’s fun going to comic shops and/or used bookstores and flipping through all the back issues to try and find certain runs. I also enjoy experiencing new / current issues when they come out. I’ve been delving into the indies recently, and it’s opened up a whole new world for me.

    Other than that, I’ve been trying to get into woodworking. Just need a few more tools before I can really start. I seem to have a habit of being drawn to the more expensive hobbies…

  • Springboard diving. Very fun. Tiring. It’s rewarding to be able to experience improvement with practice and effort.