Nice shoes
Nice shoes
Nice shoes
Best comment 😂
I'd argue it's a toned down version of these. Go to any mostly Mexican party/club, and you see these.
…elongating the toe of normal boots by as much as 5 feet (1.5 m)
That’s excessive.
Those were extremely popular in a town where I worked between 2013 and 2016. As a non-Latina, I laughed a little when I first saw them, because I had never seen any shoes like that. Someone told me they were Oaxacan boots. Men who dress in traditional Oaxacan attire will often wear them.
Then you slowly follow the shoes up the uncannily thin and tall figure to be greeted with a sharp toothed smile, attached to the face of a tight skinned yet aged man "helllooo, pity about the loss of another" he states.
Reminded me of a Finnish rock group called Leningrad Cowboys. They were big over here I think when I was a kid at least.
Oh what's this conveniently placed hole in the ground that I can push this dude in?
However if the deceased has these shoes its your duty to take them
Sometimes you need a little laugh when you're in mourning. People wearing ridiculous shit is actually a thing that helps
i think there's like a whole subculture around these shoes, no joke
edit - other people in thread explaining it better!
They look a lot like leeches.