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'Marketing's dead, and I can back this s**t up': Larian's publishing director says players 'just want to be spoken to, and they don't want to be bamboozled'

  • So...I've lost count of how many Mission Impossible movies they made. At some point between 2014 and 2016 I think they made one, because for hundreds of youtube videos in a row I was shown an ad that had this irritating song that went "Ready or not, here I come" in a really nasally voice? Apparently advertising a Mission Impossible movie.

    I have refused to watch any Mission Impossible movie, or any movie starring Tom Cruise made before or since, and to a degree the spy/action thriller/guy intensely running genre ever since. Because of how much they chose to irritate me about it.

    If part of your strategy is to beat me into submission, I'm going to avoid your entire market segment forever.

    Meanwhile a lot of my favorite games I never saw actual advertisements for, even if those ads existed. I learned about them from word of mouth, watching streamers/youtubers, or searching for "games like [game I enjoy]"

    I categorically rule out a lot of big business practices because the era when "Hey you could make a fun game about flying an X-Wing" is over and the era of "Our business strategy leverages marketable properties in a variety of monetization verticals" is coming to a middle. So I tend to buy from smaller studios or solo developers.

    • Glorious American Capitalism. Enshittification is just a word for the financialization of everything. Finance Bros run the world, and they know you have another .0265٪ disposable income they can get to make their line go up another quarter.

      • On a completely different subject which I think is related: My parents want a cabinet and hutch for their dining room. I'm designing and building it. Looking on the internet for ideas, I like how that cornice is done. Can't do those legs the way I'm going to build the side rails" type thing, I notice a trend: There is basically no documentation on the internet that anyone actually uses dining room hutches to store things they frequently use. Those that aren't just blank to market the cabinet itself are crammed with random knickknacks or worse the White Woman's Instagram tableau. A scroll sawn cursive word, some brand new ceramic containers with words printed on them in that thin tall font, especially a teapot with TEA written on it in which tea will NEVER be made, a statue of a pig, an old sifter, a fake plant...

        I hate the idea of such a large, complicated and expensive piece of furniture used as a trophy case or a diorama of basic bitchery. In the words of George Carlin, "spending money you don't have on things you don't need."

  • Meanwhile, FIFA players: "when can I pre-order the next edition of my game, and could I just pay for the cards in advance, or do I have to wait until release?"

    Sadly, bamboozling players, dark patterns and nickle-and-diming work, and work VERY well at that - if they didn't, people would stop doing it a long time ago...

  • Marketing is far from dead. Larian themselves used it to great effect with BG3. Does no one remember the announcement trailer released for BG3 well in advance of any gameplay footage? That's marketing, though and through. And yes, it worked plenty well on me. A D&D game based around Mind Flayers, made by the folks behind Divinity Original Sin? Shut up and take my money. Also, when I noticed the outline of a Nautiloid ship in the background, I may have needed a change of shorts.

    The difference with BG3 was that Larian didn't just pull an Edward Bernays style marketing as a con. They delivered a good product, worked with players to fix any issues and have gone above and beyond supporting the game after release. They have done everything right to build long term customer relationships. Maybe they don't reach the same level of profits some other companies might, by stuffing microtransactions in every orifice. But, I suspect they are profitable and seem to be better built be continue long term and not have to tear the company up and saddle one of those pieces with insane amounts of debt.

    While I can't promise that I'll buy their next game, I'll undoubtedly keep an eye out for it. Larian puts out a quality product and doesn't fuck their customers. That's what makes their brand of marketing work.