The fact that it didn't is how we all know that his cultists will forgive anything he does. They have zero shame. The election is about appealing to independents and people who aren't paying attention. Nonvoters will decide this stupid election. You can see it in the astroturfing of "both sides are the same" and "our votes don't count anyway" and "if Biden wants my vote then he needs to stop supporting Israel". Trump will objectively be worse for you individually, America, and the world. If you want change, hammer it in the 2028 primaries. It also starts at local levels, so vote now to give chances to people who are trying to get experience to eventually run.
@Artyom@seaQueue The American political system is in many ways supposed to be self-correcting. There's no real mechanisms. Except that which are enforced. I always used to wonder about this when learning about politics in school. It seemed like anyone could do anything but I just assumed everyone was smarter than me. So what happens is people do things and they expect you to be so embarrassed you bow out. And that's fine for most people except extremely insane people like Trump.
Yeah, it takes a whole lot of misogyny for a man to look at this dude's actions and statements over decades in the public eye and still arrive at the opinion that Donald fucking Trump respects women.
None of them accept facts. They say they do but they reject them. Half of my friends I've known since before politics mattered to us ended up on the misinformed Rubepublican side. If you give them facts (like adoptions rose by 52% when gay marriage was legalized in the 90's) they just reject them or ad another criteria. The guy we were arguing with said gay couples don't make a difference because older children still have a hard time getting adopted, what?
These people aren't interested in good faith arguments or any evidence presented. They've figured out subconsciously that reality does not align with their viewpoints and are primed to reject it. Idk what you do when a good chunk of your population gets like this but we need to do something to get these people out of these harmful misinformation circles.
That's just it though, they don't look at decades of history, or even what happened yesterday. They only look at what trump and friends tell them in that moment. Whatever they were most recently told us what they believe. That's how they can flip opinions so rapidly. So, if Fox or Trump said that trump respects women right before they took this poll, then dag nabbit, he does!
Even among my red-state god-fearing right-wing family members, I have never heard a single man say anything approaching this. They all know exactly what he is and don't care. He has a very public and lengthy history of the opposite, and the NYT knows it.
Are you disputing the results of the poll? Although I will say that it was a poll of registered voters, which I would expect to skew old, conservative, and white.
Alright, I looked at the poll, its DEEPLY flawed, firstly there were only 875 (434 men, 429 women, which only adds up to 863, with no other gender options listed as responding, where are the remaining 12 people?) respondents, that is an absurdly low sample size for all voters across all states, secondly, the responders aren't indicative of the general population, 598 (~71%) of the people who responded to the mentioned question were white while only 241 (~28%) of the respondents were any other race, according to, the percentage of 'White alone, non-Hispanic' population as of 2020 is 57%.
There are other issues I don't have time to go into, like that they mainly collected data from phone calls and that they aren't listing the distribution of respondents across states, but all in all I would not use this poll to draw any conclusions, and the article being titled like that is at the very least being disingenuous if not actively malicious in order to generate clicks/impressions
This is the question and answer phrasing. Remember, these disingenuous fucks are purposefully trying to manipulate you.
The thing that pushes this "result" over the "majority" line (from this very likely flawed, non representative sample anyways) is the phrasing of "not much" as an answer - which FEELS like a NO answer to many, but is TECHNICALLY read here and tallied as a YES. Cowards.
Remember, polls are archaic, inaccurate and pretty much exclusively made up of a swath of the country, dying in place with otherwise empty lives, that now dedicate themselves to waiting for these calls to give purposefully misleading answers to skew results and provide click bait to unscrupulous reporters like this one. This poll was ONLY telephone based and answers of non-college graduate were weighted heavier than others, per their stated methodology.
Also, what does it say to you about this question THAT IT WAS ONLY ASKED ABOUT TRUMP? This poll is full of directly comparative questions about both Biden and trump, not this one though... weird coincidence I guess?
Register and get out to vote. We helped that criminal, rapist loser lose last time and we'll do it again.
This is a great comment to contextualize the headline. But the numbers you are showing are for registered voters while the headline specifies men. Were there crosstabs for male respondent results that paint a less reasonable picture? 41% (weighted, as you point out) of all registered voters is already pretty high for the two yes-aligned answers, it wouldn't shock me if the political gender gap pushes those two over 50% when looking specifically at men, as unfortunate of an indicator as that is on the ability of those in my gender to understand what respect for women even looks like
Edit: found it, the crosstabs for men do indeed show 54% at "a lot" + "some". Truly an embarrassing showing
He regards them the same way a carpenter regards nails when he's framing a house, assuming the carpenter has a deeply rooted hatred for his job and the tools required to complete it.
Trump loves his beautiful generals. He loves Big Guys. He absolutely adores a strong man dictator, whether its Mussolini or Kim Jung Un or Putin or Xi or Duterte or Netanyahu. Anyone a line of guys in uniform have to salute can win Trump's heart.
He's simply got a hard on for powerful people. Margaret Thatcher's Iron Lady act absolutely gets his rod up.
Can't read the article due to a paywall, but in theory, I hard agree. There's no way they found a statistically significant number of humans of any age or gender who think Trump respects women. His confession to rape is literally on Youtube.
Right, because misogyny isn't a deep rooted problem that infiltrates the entirety of society and the systems that run it.. 🙄
You (and the person you replied to, tbf) do get a 3/10 for excluding yourself with a "not all men" without actually saying "not all men" though, so I guess you have that going for you..
Women are assholes too and this has ti be one of the dumbest acreenshots ive ever seen. Let's just play a word game where we swap out genders:
The only kind of woman who says, "Not all women are ashholes," is an asshole. If you really were a "nice woman," you'd be saying, "Wow, lots of women are fucking assholes to men. Let's do something to change that."
It's really that simple.
Especially because, by saying "not all men!!!," you are conceding that, yes, some women. Some women are assholes.
So, like, you'll admit there's a problem but you won't do anything about it? You won't join us in trying to stop it? Then you definitely are one of those women, pal. You're not one of the "nice women."
I don't know. I'm suspecting the question was asked in some very weird way. I refuse to believe this is true. Maybe I'm out of touch, not being from America. But this just seems so unlikely to me.
Even people that like the guy, must have heard his opinion on women many times before now.
Why on earth is the NYT writing shit articles such as this one? I thought they were one of the last remaining journals with some integrity. They're determined to keep trump relevant and therefore help him win the election. Eh? Well fuck them too then.
For choosing to highlight a single, purposefully misleading question, in a much larger poll, without context, and operating from flawed sampling/weighting in the first place.
Read my other comment that highlights the specific flawed question. Please try not to just volunteer blind, reactionary defense to a conversation you're half invested in.
They can make these polls say anything they want. Hey, this time call 60 trumpers and 20 democrats and 20 fence sitters. That should give us the proper ratio for out next click bait headline.
The NYT has been having a real one ever since Trump edged ahead of Biden in the polls.
This is pretty standard for the Newspaper Of Record. They will gargle your balls when you're leading, then start pissing on your face as soon as you dip under the 50% marker.
This creates a certain degree of ideological confusion, as "The NYT is too right wing!" was a popular belief under Bush while "No! Too left wing!" was popular under Obama and later Trump.
But they're literally just blowing in the wind. If Biden ever gets over the 50% approval line, you'll see a flood of "Yo, did you know Trump Bad Aktuly?!" headlines and "Is Biden our greatest American President? These three guys trying to sell you a book think so!" Op-Ed think pieces.
So your telling me 54% of men think this and...31% women...what demographic did they pull this poll at a Trump rally? Only believable possible way of getting those numbers.
I unfortunately know a lot of guys who like him (and a couple of women) and it's more like they don't care, not that they have a positive view of his personal life, they just don't think it's relevant. They like how he functioned as president, or rather, how they recall he did.
Even in that group you wouldn't find one who thought he was "respectful to women".
32% Democratic, 32% Independent!, 26% Republican. 51% of those who voted voted for Biden, 43% are very unfavorable towards Trump, 41% are very unfavorable towards Biden, Trump has a 1% lead if he and Biden were the only candidates and 2% otherwise. 26% only finished High School. That is very interesting.