god save the king
god save the king
god save the king
I assume this is Northern Ireland, so obviously this isn't so much a 'we love the King' mural as a 'this is a unionist area' mural.
This is probably better than a picture of a man in a mask and a UDA flag.
Growing up in the 80s and knowing the context, this doesn't seem like the worst possible time line for Northern Ireland.
Maybe we should all move to NI. Although, that's kind of how the problems started.
Prescriptions are free, we have no water bills either. The crime rates aren't really that high, the violence stuff basically only happens if you get involved. This may seem a weird thing to say but paramilitaries are generally not as bad as smaller gangs in some parts of the world, and they're easily avoidable if you don't mess with them (Although if you're English you are better living in a Unionist area, Irish people would be better in the Nationalist areas). It's actually not a bad place to live!
It literally has a quote on it about Northern Ireland. Although it would serve as both a "we love the King" mural as well, people here are pretty patriotic (which is a normal pattern in anywhere in the world where national identity gets threatened, like mainland UK in WWII or cold war era America)
Really depends where you are for people to be "patriotic" I live in a mixed area outside lisburn and most people around it couldn't give a fuck about the royal family or British shite, go into a nationalist area and it'll be the same. Places like sandy row or shankill obviously will have more people who are proud to be British and fans of the royal family.
I think it's more of a thing that someone realised they accidentally time traveled or had a coma. Charles III was basically inevitable.
Not necessarily - if the Queen had hung on long enough...
Unless they're from the timeline where Ireland invaded and occupied Britain in the 90s.
Charles III takes the Irish throne and then invades Great Britain and usurps it from his mother? Sounds quite interesting
"Except the fucking Catholics, obviously. She wished them nothing short of leprosy."
Eh. Old Lizzie did alright toward the end. Her ancestors and governments were quite monstrous (especially that weapon Thatcher). However, she breached protocol during her state visit to Ireland in 2011, to start her speech in a formal Irish language introduction. Further, she came the closest that any monarch that I'm familiar with to offering an actual apology to a former colony for the way that her country had treated them over the centuries.
Northern Ireland and it is people.
it’s people
Northern Ireland is people!
Man literally has cancer
I think this is the side of a house, not a gravestone.
I love how every comment, and the post, is from a different instance.
One of the best things about geocentric instances on the fediverse, imho.
People from all over can chat about it, with the host instance having a little bit of local knowledge.
my mother ceased
she sure did
This is DEFINITELY Belfast
Larne, apparently. (Also, lol they corrected the "it's")
Who's body did they stick his head on?
hard to see the "never"
That's Norn Iron for you...
I'm not much into the British politics, so what's the problem here? The dude was the heir, everyone knew he would be king, that's what "heir" means. As far as I know he didn't do much as king to ruin the timeline, because he thankfully just couldn't. So basically nothing really happened, one rich dude inherited some money from the other rich dudess, that's all, what's the fuss?
I'm assuming this is some guy plastering his house with the King's picture - the sort of thing you'd expect in a monarchy rule, not democracy.