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Where do y'all get your books? What ya reading right now?

I stopped using Amazon a while back, but it was where I got all my books for a long time. I do thriftbooks mostly now, and try to buy directly from publishers when it’s a newer book, but I’m always interested in finding new spots to cop some sweet books.

  • ProleWiki has a lot of books in its library. You can check MIA or Marx2Mao for older theory and Iskra Books for more recent ones.

  • I used to exclusively go to local bookstores but now bookstores around me are nonexistent or total shit. So I actually started using Amazon for buying books, unfortunately.

    I try to use archive as much as possible to download PDFs but I need physical copies.

    • Yeah I feel you on physical copies. I like to scribble notes in the margins so pdfs are especially frustrating to read, makes it harder to annotate.

      • I feel you. Annotating in PDFs is just not the same. I don't do it generally but I will when I'm really trying to study and learn something, PDFs are not good for that.

        I just prefer books generally. There is a certain attunement to reading that happens when holding and looking at a physical book. I can focus better and I can actually read faster with more comprehension and better retainment of information. While reading PDFs my mind wanders more and I want to quickly switch apps to see what's new on Hexbear, or what someone just texted me, and so on. If I were reading a physical book, my phone would be silenced and facedown so it's less of a distraction and I better grasp and interiorize what I read. And I just like to collect books, I have a small-to-medium sized personal library and I have a bunch of out of print, difficult to find books which were never digitized. I like to maintain a physical collection of these types of things, like films, as much as possible because one day they may not be possible to find. There is so much wisdom and experience and knowledge in our books and I think we will lose access to many of them sometime soon just because they aren't profitable to publish and distribute.

  • I use local libraries and bookstores mostly. When I'm reading comics/manga/big publisher fantasy I tend to pirate until I know that I like the series to justify the purchase. For theory I use a mix of the usual alongside my uni library, libgen, and Iskra's pdf versions of their books. I also read a lot of visual novels, usually pirated until I know I like them.

    I'm currently rereading two things: The Hobbit as a bit of a comfort read, and Sekien no Inganock since I never got around to finishing it and I found its steampunk mutants setting cool. Unfortunately I forgot that its first chapter's villain is a transphobic stereotype, so I haven't continued it for the past few days. Although I'll probably push through anyways cuz the vibes are so good.

    For theory I'm taking a bit of a break now that my exam season is done before I restart reading theory again.

  • well...physically i do thriftbooks too, but usually i prefer to read a pdf from wayback machine, or an open directory