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Why exactly did the Zionist Reich attack Iran?

I don't get why the Zionist Reich would attack Iran unprovoked, an obviously stupid move given Israel's reputation right now and that it's neighbors are openly hostile to it due to the Occupation of Palestine and its previous unprovoked attack.

  • There are two outcomes: Israel further delegitimizes international law and Iran is forced to do nothing to an act of war, or the US is forced to officially join the war so they can try to harm Iran and escalate insanely. Israel wants both because they know they’re losing and escalation would benefit them.

  • My read on it is that the war in Gaza is going really poorly for Israel, even Israeli media is now openly admitting that Israel was defeated

    On top of that, Yemen managed to successfully blockade shipping which is having a significant economic impact, this is also compounded by the need for mobilization which pulls people out of the economy. So, on top of a military debacle, Israel is also starting to have serious economic problems.

    The government isn't exactly popular, and Netanyahu is facing criminal prosecution when the war ends. So, I think he's trying to expand the war into a regional conflict which will force US to engage directly. Incidentally, this was exact same strategy that Ukraine kept trying at the start of the war to create a provocation that would force NATO to step in.

    It's a move of desperation, and it's showing that Israel is in a very difficult position now.

  • Israel blames Iran for inspiring and arming Hezbollah. They've been doing these kinds of attacks on Iranian backed groups in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq for years with very little blowback (presumably any blowback would have happened anyway).

  • My thesis is it was a desperate act, I wrote more about it here: not shilling my substack (this time lol), it just explains the same things I would say in a comment.

  • Adding to what was already said, I strongly believe they want to force the US to directly intervene. If the existence of the zionist project is endangered, the imperialists will have to put boots on the ground.

  • They want Iran to join the war because that'll force the US to come in. A regional war would shift attention away from the ongoing genocide.

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