The D
The D
The D
The D: is a CD-ROM. Geez!
Dang whippersnappers.
CDs nuts
Omg… it depends on your input port grandpa! Please take your pills your saying that stuff again!
I like my partners like I like my filesystems.
FAT and 32.
Well, I'm glad its 32, and not the ones previous
I like em like I like my encryption. Old and already cracked.
I like them like I like my passwords. Short and insecure.
Your taste in partners is as bad as your taste in filesystems. Who uses FAT32 in 2023? At least use NTFS
Who uses FAT32 in 2023?
Any EFI partition?
Everything uses FAT32. ATMs, the fare machine on transit systems, the sorting system at your post office, traffic lights, nuclear power control systems. Literally everything that isn't a Unix, MacOS, or a Windows machine uses FAT32. All that stuff has worked for decades and will probably keep working for decades more.
I prefer them to be exFAT.
My time to shine.
Old and simple but chance for data loss?
Hmm, that's better fo sho, tho a bit of extra fat don't hurt
There's only one D I recognize.
Ncc1701 no bloody, c, no bloody d, and no bloody e
A gets a pass though. All the style of the original with better looking nacelles.
clearly ask for an EXT formatted drive
get an NTFS formatted drive
Specifically, she wants to mount the D:.
And then you ask for the C: and they block you on tinder.
My aunts friends are so angry sometimes.
I went to the comments to ask if she meant ext3 or ext4 but after a moment I figured it was just external abbreviation.. Made a lot more sense 😅
I don't know what is wrong with my NTFS harddrive. Why do you insist on having EXT?
Because ext supports proper access rights from actual operating systems.
I GNU you were gonna say that, sick burn dude
NTFS is also posix compatible. If - for some unimaginable reason - you want to use an NTFS drive with linux only, you can set permissions, but it will break Windows compatibility. More info here:
I can't be certain they mean the filesystem or if she's asking for the external drive, which for many people is the D drive. Also that it can be passed around implies it's external too. Cause who only has one drive formatted as ext?
nah, D: is obviously your secondary internal drive for storage, because C: is an ssd for performance
she actually wants the E: 🏳️⚧️
She wants my CD-ROM?
She wants the scared and amazed face? I don't get it.
She wants the sdcard and amazon fare? I dont get it.
She wants the D: but he's just got a 3.5 inch floppy.
This is the real joke
low tier windows users : the D
chad linux enjoyer : Basic Data Partition
If it got BTRFS, then one can simply say "pass me the butter"
This is not innuendo, I literally just want that data storage device, butterface.
She wants the /dev/sdb
Nope, she meant the ext4 drive mounted to /mnt/homework
Edit: spelling
My coworker used to ask me this. Like JESUS CHRIST, WE'RE AT WORK, STOP ASKING.
This. When they ask for the D (drive) just shut up and pull the D (drive) out. How hard is that!?
Very hard, but only if I like them already
i use btrfs which ext is that
It’s a micro USB drive, he flashed it and all the cheerleaders giggled
You know, this could be a pretty funny Linux joke, but the comic had to ruin it with some cringey dick joke.
(I don't know, you guys said she wants the D)
Kidnap the D the speaker the conduct
—Opening crawl of Star War The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West
Why would she want the (😮)?
My honest reaction
This comic was ahead of its time. Back when it was written, optical disc drives were still common, so an external drive would be E: or higher. Now, though, it's actually realistic.
and that’s how she got pregnant….
I have never met a female who seemed to be aware of what really is, at least other than "the part that stores stuff".
I'm not even trying to say I wanna date or be friends with one. That isn't a trait that's necessary at all. I know they exist, I've seen articles written by them and such. But I've never met one familiar with how a computer works at all.
I'd love to meet one just to prove to myself they're real. I want to believe... I mean I already know, but my brain just doesn't believe til it sees anymore.