Top tier medical advice.
Top tier medical advice.
Top tier medical advice.
He's right. I kept the wound open and completely bled out. Lost all of my blood. But it's worth it because i didn't get Tetanus.
Did you know you can stop rabies by having someone chop your head off?
Did you know you can stop rabies by having someone chop your head off?
That's probably the preferred treatment over dying of rabies induced violent psychosis.
Rabies is like my number one fear, next to prions. Nightmarish stuff.
No, you amputate the torso, it's different
I spit my drink out to this comment. Thank you
All you have to do is tell the tetanus "I do not consent," and by law, it cannot infect you.
If it were a legitimate tetanus infection, the body has ways of shutting it down.
Oh great, a "sovereign organism" movement...
It’s best if you post that on Facebook for all to share.
Share this post with five people and tetanus will seize infecting you.
He’s technically correct - if you bleed fast enough for long enough, you won’t get infected by anything that needs a live host to grow.
I just imagined one these people getting paper cut and intentionally forcing it too bleed like a garden hose.
I mean, it happens in the totally accurate documentary Evil Dead so it should work
It is the same about things that are known to cause cancer. If you just ignore it long enough you don't have to worry about anything.
Well sure, if you don't look for something, you won't find it. Science!
So you are saying that they are protected for the rest of their life?
You just have to make sure you bleed faster than the bacteria or whatever can swim in.
Just start squeezing those arteries like tube of toothpaste
I mean, it makes some sense if you get bitten by a snake, since its poison is not literally everywhere around you (hence why in older time they try to suck it out as much as possible). But the problem for viruses is that as soon as you stop gushing out blood, the bacteria/viruses nearby the wound will try to enter the bloodstream anyway
edit: or the fact that the veins are a one way, therefore if the virus is already inside, and you let blood out, you let out the blood which is clean. Or the fact that once inside, the virus might already be infecting cells and therefore is out of the bloodstream. or....
Well the immune system is amazing. Their brain, not so much.
If the immune system was so amazing, why didn't it destroy the silly inside their brain?
because only two things are infinite, and one of those sadly is stupidity
Nothing is that amazing.
Ok I'm gonna stop grabbing cow manure with bleeding hands.
Nothing is allowed anymore :(
Nono, you're fine doing that, just make sure you're bleeding hard enough so that the manure can't get in the bloodstream.
Best idea, just get rid of ALL the blood.
Can't have. Bloodborne disease if you have no blood.
Checkmate anemics.
Bleeding is just weakness leaving the body
FromSoft fans rushing to get the Bloodborne disease:
The fun police are everywhere
Stop cancelling me!
I wish there was just a button you could push to make people feel shame.
shame 🔔
shame 🔔
They asked for a button not a comment
Wait, why do I even need an immune system if the bloodletting keeps the bad spirits out anyway?
Valid conclusion, I'm cancelling my health insurance rn. More money for scratchers, hell yeah!
Cos not every attack comes from a bleeding injury. Joking of course. This guy is nuts.
Alright, give this guy an old fashioned blood letting with some leeches when he's feeling under the weather.
Tetanus is fucking terrifying. I'm happy to have chemicals to protect me from that.
My last tetanus shot hurt for 3 weeks straight. But I ended up not breaking my spine with muscle convulsions, so I think it's a pretty good trade off.
It's not chemicals that protect from tetanus; it's the dead tetanus bacterium the vaccine contains that train the immune system to recognize the threat.
People are just so confident in the bullshit they think is correct and have no proof of. It sounds right so it is. Must be.
I whish I was so confident in anything.
At some point I feel like we should just let these people conduct their own health experiments, the problem will take care of on itself. You can only try your best at educating people but if they choose to be stupid there is nothing you can do.
They must be thinking that our body is like a municipal water system. The water is usually kept at high pressure so that if there's a leak or rupture, the water will gush out violently enough to prevent anything from contaminating the system for everyone else.
The key thing they're missing though is gushing violently. The body generally doesn't bleed vigorously enough to prevent foreign agents from getting in -- and most of the time when it does, you're having severe blood loss.
The only exception I think is around the anus. If you've had hemorrhoids you've seen just how much they can bleed, and I think that's to generally keep things out since it's an unclean area. Still, if you sat down with a bleeding ass in contaminated water, you're still going to get infected.
Still, if you sat down with a bleeding ass in contaminated water, you’re still going to get infected.
Not to mention... sharks!
Hypertension special secret capability unlocked: infection invulnerability!
They're not entirely wrong, which is frustrating.
Tetanus is an anaerobic bacteria which means exposure to air will kill it. If a cut is bleeding that means it's at least partially exposed and may prevent tetanus. The reason people tend to get tetanus infections from puncture wounds is because the wound heals up and seals out the air.
Also, letting a cut bleed for a bit is one way of flushing any foreign material from the wound, which can help. But you still need antibiotics and a bandage to reduce the risk of infection.
It's like only doing the first step of CPR.
A: "You got to lay them on their back."
B: "And then?"
A: "No that's it."
B: "Isn't there chest compressions or something involved?"
A: "Nope, chest compressions are dangerous and cause people to break bones. Plus almost 100% of people who were not laying on their backs ended up dying after their heart stops. So, laying someone on their back is all you need to do."
Yeah, it's incredibly frustrating when propaganda uses partially true information to push their agenda. From a first aid perspective, letting the wound bleed a bit and get oxygen exposure can reduce the initial infection. You should absolutely get the vaccine though because why fucking risk it?
Ah right, and that's why people think it's related to rust. Because most people getting a puncture would probably got it by standing on a nail, which was out in the elements and thus rusty…
I hope this person learns by first hand how, for instance, AIDS is transferred.
Just cut it off and let the virus bleed away
I agree, just get rid of your blood, problem solved!
Real "Magnets, how do they work? Its a miracle!" Energy
Don't correct them and just let nature run its course
Tetanus is a horrible way to go, even for anti-waxx'ers and even worse if it's their kids. Who have little to say in the matter.
oh so we're wrapping around to the 1820's now too
I can get on board with the cocaine and laudanum. Not so much the mercury and bloodletting.
Hold the radium and heavy metals but bring on the leaches!
We've been on that path for a bit now.
Although bloodletting is still an actual treatment for stuff, but now it's called therapeutic phlebotomy. (source, I have to do it for high blood count)
They're right, no one who has ever bled has died.
And no one with an immune system has ever died of an infection ever.
My immune system is literally trying to kill me. I don’t trust that murderous bastard with anything.
I'd like to see them say that when they have lock jaw
Sorry wrong. Can't have lock jaw if you only leave it unlocked. Human body amazung
You know
You try and try to educate people but… idk maybe they should be allowed to conduct experiments if they’re willing to sign off on no medical treatment. Seems like a fair challenge to those who know so much.
I mean, let Darwin do Darwin.
As is often pointed out, in order for this plan to work they need to die before procreating. Unfortunately the crowd that doesn't take education seriously doesn't take birth control very seriously either, or at least not in they way they should.
Problem is their, "experiment," is resulting in the return of previously eradicated diseases.
Tetanus is very far from eradicated. The bacteria causing it are pretty much everywhere. People don't succumb to tetanus anymore because they are immunized and the shot is highly effective. That's why it's so important to get the vaccine. If you actually contract tetanus, your chance of survival without severe, permanent handicap is slim, even with the best healthcare available.
I can't be the only person not totally dissapointed at how meth lab medical this person's advice is, but like fucking sad because there are three other people who liked this meaning there are more decimal bound IQ meatbags who would take this as solid advice.
That person's grade of stupid is not a freak one off. There are others!
Letting cuts bleed for a bit is a good idea though since it does actually clean the wound.
America - it's dumber here.
more* dumber
The dubmerest
At some point you stop bleeding Doogie Howser. If you're lucky that'll be before you run out of blood, in which case, according to your theory of medicine, you'll be infected anyway.
If it's after you run out of blood, well, infection wasn't your main problem.
I recommend 1g of aspirin and a good bloodletting.
That's for pansies.
You can buy warfarin off the shelf in the form out pest poison.
If you wanna set a world record for death by blood loss, that's the way to do it.
Remember kids:
All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; the dosage alone makes it so a thing is not a poison.
—Paracelsus, 1538
Often condensed to "The dose makes the poison."
Also, death by warfarin overdose is a slow, bloody, painful way to go. Don't self medicate with fucking rat poison or anything stupid.
Was there aspirin in the age of bloodletting?
In the form of willow bark, yes, it was. Salicylic acid, the primary compound in aspirin, is also found in willow bark, which has been used therapeutically for 3500+ years.
No child left behind was a travesty
morons are everywhere
You're all taking it out of context. They said "soap and water", meaning you're supposed to keep bleeding until you can wash it with soap and water.
DO NOT wash it with cow manure
See? It makes perfect sense...
He's got a point there actually. You definitely don't need poison in your body. By definition, that might kill you if there's enough of it.
Cytotoxic drugs are poison. They keep me alive.
Inside my shell I wait and bleed
Nothing can enter your bloodstream if you just let it bleed.
Exactly. Just like how fish cannot swim upstream no matter how slow or fast the flow is.
Salmons just don't know better. If they went to fish school, they would be unable to do it!
What is tetanus
Assuming you're actually asking. It's a disease caused by a bacteria in the soil when it gets in your blood stream.
People often think it's caused by getting stabbed or cut with rusty metal but it's just correlation rather than causation. Something metal that's been sitting outside is just usually the way that you'll get cut and if it's outside it's probably rusty.
You could have clean rusty metal not give it to you, and brand new metal or a stick give it to you.
Tetanus is also known as "Lockjaw" due to the symptoms.
It's preventable by a mildly uncomfortable vaccine that everyone acts like is the most painful shot ever.
To add on: the bacteria are anaerobic, meaning they thrive in environments without air. This is also the rusty nail effect--the nail will push the bacteria into your body where there is little air. You most likely will not get sick from tetanus from a superficial wound.
It‘s technically correct, if you prevent your wound from stopping to bleed, you won‘t get ill. That is due to the fact, that you‘ll be dead.
Just give the idiot tetanus. Again and again.
I think the dude there already has idiot tetanus, or maybe it's idiot headanus.
Darwin used to call it "Natural selection", now we call it "Being confidently incorrect"
No, Darwin didn't, in fact he rightfully rejected so called "social Darwinism" because it's nothing but eugenicist bunk.
that's the problem with Great Ideas, eventually carnival hucksters and conmen are selling it out of bottles in the parking lot
I don't think the person you replied to was talking about social darwinism
From your article....
The core idea of Social Darwinism is that the wealthy and powerful enjoy the privileges they do because they are more fit in terms of the traits favored by natural selection. The poor and powerless have less fit traits and therefore it is best to let them perish ...
This reprehensible (and bullshit) ideology is distinct from the idea of a person making an unsafe decision like golfing on a mountain in a thunderstorm that directly causes them to die.