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  • The more you look, the more unhinged it gets

    I think my favorite amalgamation is the cluster of "Diversity","Social Justice", "Multi-Culturalism", and "Moral Relativism" all smeared together, even though "Social Justice" comes from a different source than the other 3, with direct arrows up only coming from (presumably) "Moral Relativism" and "Multi-Culturalism"

    Which of course begs the question of why "Social Justice" got jammed in if it's not going anywhere

  • I like the line that goes from Fabian Socialists, under Anti-Christianity Movement, then over John Maynard Keynes, to end up directly leading to Congressional Progressive Caucus.

    • I think they meant to connect the anti-Christianity movement but forget to make that line an arrow, while passing over Keynes, which is really funny because the Fabians were much closer to Keynesian economics than being strictly anti-theist.

  • People aren't receptive to my backwards and oppressive values? It must be the fault of a vast web of conspiratorial Marxist brainwashing.