Maybe this'll help! I.e., what are the best ways we can grow Lemmy and the FV?
Maybe this'll help! I.e., what are the best ways we can grow Lemmy and the FV?
Yesterday I saw a post on r/Lemmy labelled Reddit Wins, bitterly complaining about how OP had given "Lemmy" their best shot, but unfortunately, kept running in to too many extremist communities across the LV (Lemmyverse). Me, I gave them some props for effort, but also said, basically-- "I'm not convinced; here's what you do for best results."
Funny, and now today, I'm seeing a post over here titled "What's the best way to fuck over sites (like Reddit)." [link], and I similarly get the basis of OP's hatred, and yet... and yet... I'm wondering if there's a sort of middle-ground that might exist between the two poles, so to speak?
Following is one of my 'solutions,' but I'd enjoy it if anyone reading wanted to chime in with their own thoughts & ideas:
Cutting to the chase-- creating our [needed community] has worked surprisingly well for my group in the FV, with the understanding that we need to populate it a bit before it 'soars like an eagle' via it's own accord. But, point is-- our 400+ subscribers in less than four months of existence tends to indicate to me that: 1) our community really is* appreciated, and 2) niche communities like ours get a vastly outsized, opportunistic share of the "ALL" stream, compared to Reddit, in which a little 'venture' like ours would barely get seen, typically.
Now say what you want about Lemmy, but isn't that a pretty dang cool opportunity, on the whole?