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  • Two million people died of coronavirus in two years, prices for everything are getting raised as much as possible (and price tags keep getting slapped on whatever doesn’t have one yet), our taxes go towards open genocide that the authorities are near-unanimously okay with instead of helping lift anyone out of poverty, and there’s no sign of our livelihoods improving in the foreseeable future whatsoever, but YEAH SURE THERE’S NO EXPLANATION WHATSOEVER FOR THIS DECADE’S TOTAL AND UNESCAPABLE MALAISE

  • Suicide is on the rise for young Americans, with no clear answers

    pay me money?

    do something about the climate disaster that has been looming over me literally since birth?

    stop blowing people up?


  • (CW: suicide)

    some guy at my work killed himself a few years ago. he was well liked and successful, by all accounts very intelligent. we supposedly have good mental health support and healthcare services through our work insurance. he had been feeling depressed and upon considering suicide, he accessed those services via the ER. he spent a few hours in the ER speaking with some in-network provider, answered whatever questions the counselor asked to give the impression that he was fine, actually. then he went home and killed himself.

    it freaked everyone out, but it became a taboo subject to find out why our supposedly great services didn't actually do shit for someone in distress.

    as much as i fully support widespread, integrated healthcare being made available to everyone... it is not enough. it's like a village on the edge of a river, where drowning people keep floating by. the village develops emergency response protocols over time to get people out of the river and resuscitate them. as increasing numbers of drowning people keep appearing in the river, the village develops complex, adaptive infrastructure and support system to pull out larger and larger volumes of drowning people and resuscitate them.

    and it's too taboo to investigate what the fuck is going on upstream.

  • Oh jeez, I wonder if it has anything to do with modern society making life as hellish as possible but then telling you there is no way for it to get better unless more Hell is unleashed upon everyone, possibly for the rest of your life?

    Maybe being aware of how big the world is and being forced to only live the tiniest part of it due to artificially placed barriers on anyone making under 60k a year is an never ending existential crisis?

    It can't be that the culture that demands you give up everything and then gives you a bunch rhetorical guns and says "The Culture War is the only place you can fight for a better future, but only selected topics we give you."

    Strange how doing more of the same Bullshit behaviours we've been doing since the 1970 is making people off themselves at a faster rate than thought possible, can't be that we refuse to change anything ever.

  • Young people who spend a lot of time "wrapped up" in their gadgets are constantly bombarded with images of war and polarising political messages, which can lead to anxiety and depression, according to Dr Crawford.

    "Sure, all of the depressing things that they are being exposed to are at least exacerbated, if not outright caused by, capitalism. But it's the DAMN PHONES that are exposing them! So, yeah, I think it's pretty clear who the villain is here."

  • No clear answers, what a joke, its called shit life syndrome with a root cause of capitalism, but even the former is far taboo of a topic for any academic to ever study seriously under present conditions, especially its causes.

    • In a world where certain questions can’t be asked, it’s no wonder there are no clear answers. The elephant in the room is capitalism, but mentioning it is a taboo. It’s like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces or painting a picture without the right colors. Without acknowledging the root cause of many issues, we’re left grasping at straws, hoping for a solution that may never come.