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  • I make hawaiian ( they are actually from canada ) that's tomato sauce, pizza cheese, ham ( usually an aussie champagne ham , medium sliced ) and pineapple

    vegetarian, just a whole bunch of grilled vegies like peppers, onion, mushrooms ,

    pepperoni detroit style



    I make my own sauce, which has tinned tomato, passata and fresh tomato, a finely chopped onion and a big spoon of chili, garlic and herb mix . This sauce has a little bit of kick.

    I usually make a plain pizza base but sometimes I add a spoon or two of dried oregano

  • Aside from those already mentioned I occasionally like a chicken and apricot pizza. Apricot as in the jam usually, with ricotta underneath. Add some onion and green peppers, a bit more cheese on top (mozzarella is good, brie if you’re feeling fancy, or even some crumbled feta if you want to contrast the sweetness a bit). Good stuff.

    Usually had with coke or beer as has already been said

  • The worst thing I've had on pizza is tinned corn ( why )

    and sausage ( wtf is that shit and why is it on a pizza )

    • Tinned corn? 😂 Who, when and where?

      Sausage I'd do.

      • Some place in Munich. I had it with a beer. Beer is the natural match for pizzas and indian food.

        Frascatti is also delicious with pizza but it's hard to get

    • I love tinned corn on my pizza but I also like Vegemite on my salami tomato & cheese tastiest so I might not be the best to judge food

  • Hawaian always works along with meat lovers and a typical supreme.

    I hate pizzas with stingy toppings though.

  • A meat, pineapple, and a hot chilli.

    Don’t care if it’s chicken, bacon, meatballs…must be at least jalapeños hot, preferably more. Double cheese.