Adult games for mature people
Adult games for mature people
Adult games for mature people
Son: "Dad, do you seriously just stare at a map of the world when I'm not around?"
Me: "Don't distract me son, I'm suppressing the landowners."
the art style is cracking me the fuck up. the little kids expressions perfectly capture the curiosity, thrill, and total disappointment of how lame cerebral adult shit is to a little kid.
also the kid"s description of DE is lmao 💀
Kids when they think about "mature" content: boobs and naked lady and sex
Adult when they think about "mature" content: depression, drug use, and boobs.
Kids when they think about "mature" content: boobs and naked lady and sex
Also swears
that's just evrart claire's fursona
Mr. Evrart is helping me find my murrsuit
Son: "Moooom, you are seriously just going to play dress up?! The game doesnt even have third-person camera!
Me: "Shush, mommy needs to find a scarf to match this jacket."
Like a decent amount of classic literature isn't a novel about a drunk loser. Plus I tricked a gamer into reading Phillip K Dick through this game.
Look away, son, it's going to get sexual
I want to have a fuck with you
Hardcore TO THE MEGA!